new friend

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bill's pov.

i have no friends. so i'm alone. all the time. i don't know why i go to school. i hate going to the school, let alone being in this place. everyone is starring at me, judging me and laughing at me. i'm not blind, i can see how they look at me. they look at me like i'm crazy or something. i'm not that bad... right?

"hello, stranger!" a stranger's voice said, "i'm stanley. i go by stan though." he kind of yelled. damn, that kid got some lungs. "h-hi" i almost whispered. fuck, why is he talking to me? i'm not really good with people. "are you going to derry high school? i'm new there!" i nodded. why is he so happy when he's the new one? everyone would be nervous or something.

"stop t-talking with me. c-can't you s-see how awk-awkward i am?" i thought i was thinking but i don't stutter when i'm thinking-

"i don't think you're awkward at all." he smiled. oh fuck. the school bus stopped. "we h-have to-" stan nodded, "yeah, i know." stan chuckled, "by the way, i didn't catch your name?"

"o-oh, s-sorry. m-my n-name's b-b-bill!" this stupid stutter. it's always like this but it get worse when i'm anxious. i just wished my anxiety would stop for today. "cute name for a cute guy!" i blushed and smiled, "t-th-thanks st-stan."

- L A T E R -

stanley spent his first day with me because he actually thinks i'm cool! "bye billy!" he giggled. for the first time ever, i was excited to go to school. "see you tomorrow, stan!" i smiled. today was a beautiful day. i had a friend!

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