i'm not gay, richie

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stan's pov.

"stop it! i'm not gay." i said, almost crying. seriously, he can be so annoying sometimes. "aw, c'mon stan the man! don't be pissed at me," richie laughed. "but i am. i thought we are friends." i don't want to start crying but i'm very sensitive and not out yet.

"what do you mean, stan? we are friends." richie said, completely confused. "no, we aren't. at least not anymore. i'm done with you!" i run away. i didn't even look back once. sometimes, i miss him. sometimes? i miss him every single day. since that day, i miss him.

richie is my best friend since i met him. just because of his stupid joke about me liking bill, he isn't my friend anymore. and he wasn't wrong. i like bill. i was so stupid. i am so stupid. why did i run away?

suddenly i got a message from bill. i'm so confused. how could he message me after all that shit what happened? he knows that i have crush on him. isn't he mad at me or something? "hi stan. guess what," it says. what the fuck does he want? even though i miss him, it just doesn't make sense. "what?" i responded. my heart is screaming at me to go back to him but i can't. i'm too embarrassed.

"i love you" my heart stopped beating for a second, just to beat a little faster. my eyes couldn't believe it. i must be dreaming. "i love you too."

but then i realized something. maybe this is just a joke? a silly prank? to laugh at me and my stupid feelings for him? "wait... is this a joke?" i started crying. maybe it really is just a stupid prank.

"no, i really love you. i want to be with you forever. marry you one day and have kids with you. you are so wonderful. everything about you is perfect. your smile, your hair, your eyes, your personality, your laugh.. i love you, stanley uris."

i couldn't believe my eyes. i was smiling. i was beyond happy then, i woke up.

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