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5 months later ;
Cameron Amaya 
I wake up to the baby kicking , i found out that I'm having a girl thank God .

As I get out of bed i walk downstairs to my living room , i got a house like 2 months ago , cause living with my parents didn't feel right anymore .

I'm 6 months pregnant and I'm getting pretty big , I've decided to talk to Lavar and Tina , and there so happy that there about to have a grand daughter.

I'm still not talking to melo , he tries and tries , but like I said before I'm done and I've settled with my feelings.

Darrin and I are growing strong , he spoils the baby more then he does me , and she's not even here yet .

As of right now , I'm watching star the tv show .

As I was so into the show , i didn't realize Darrin walked in .

"Hey baby ." He smiles and kisses me and then my stomach .

"Hey babe ." I smile and he sits on the couch by me .

"How was practice daddy ?" I smile and he smirks at me .

"It was good , i couldn't wait to get over here and see you tho ." He smiles and kisses me and the baby kicks .

"Ouch. "I say and he laughs .

"What ?" He asks .

"She just kicked me ." I laugh and he touches my stomach and she does it again and he starts laughing .

"That's not funny , this little girl has been kicking me all day ." I say .

"She wants out , She wanna be able to meet us ." He smiles .

"3 more months ." I smile and rub my belly .

"I can't wait to meet her , i already know she gonna look excalty like you ." He smiles and kisses my stomach and I smile at the site  .

As of right now we're in the mall , cause I really wanted some more slides and some more yeezys  .

"Baby can I get these ?" I ask holding up some slides .

Melo ball

As of right now the guys got me out here in this got damn mall , I've been real shit depressed lately , Cameron's still ignoring me , and I just want her back , I've fucked up i know but without Cameron , I'm not the same .

As we were walking to footlocker i see Cameron run in like a little kid and I see Darrin shortly following behind her .

"Yoo can we go now ?" I ask .

"No nigga I need to go to footlocker ." Eli say .

"Yeah me too ." Zo says and we all walk in footlocker .

"Baby can I get these ?" Cameron asks Darrin and he nods and they get it .

"Bro you better go get your girl ." Gelo says nodding back to Cameron .

"Nah broo , if she's happy Ima let her be , ima be in car ." I say and leave ,  the sight of her with another man upsets me , I'll give my soul just to hold her again .

Cameron Amaya
As me and Darrin get back home from shopping , i go upstairs and shower .

"Babe we gotta talk." Darrin says .

"What's up baby ?" I smile .

" I want you to move in with me ." He smiles.

"Wait what you serious ?" I ask him and he nods and I think .

"Okay ." I smile .

"Really ." He says very excitedly and hugs me , I'm starting to Love him , but melo's still on my mind .

|| Guys I was gonna make an Austen book but I don't know anything about him , when i find out more about him i promise I'll make a book about him , but I'll be publishing a lonzo ball book really soon.  3 votes .

-Zoe ||

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