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       The portal that would take me home was here. "W-wait," I froze. 'Am I actually ready yet? I don't know why but, I actually don't want to leave these idiots' 

         "What's that?," Ciel asked. "That's the portal for me to get home with. I have to leave. As much fun as I had, it's my time," I explained, sadly.

           All of their faces became heartbroken, and tears welled up in the eyes of all. "Please, (y/n), don't leave me," the earls called. I smiled slightly and let myself fall back into the portal.

         The last thing I saw was them all running toward the portal with a hand out, and they all called,

                "I love you, (y/n)."

           "Caw caw motherf****** I'm free," I yelled as I hit the floor with a bump. "That's the first thing you say," Erin sighed. All of a sudden, I felt a massive thump from behind me. I turned around slowly, only to be met with the eyes of the 5 I had been through so much with.

          "CIEL!," Eren screamed, and pounced on him. "Wha-WHOA!," he stumbled backwards, but caught himself before he could fall.

         "She's exactly like Elizabeth, the hair, the eyes... the personality," he deadpanned.

       "That's not true," I defended. "Eren is the best friend anyone could have. She is WAY better than Lizzy." Erin smiled up at me.

       "Anyway, why did you follow me?," I asked the 5. "We told you before," they started. "It's because we love you." My face flushed red and I jerked my head to the side and pouted.

Erin brushed the fact that Ciel had said that and turned to me. "Wow (y/n)! I didn't know you could get so many anime characters to fall in love with you! I seriously thought you were a forever alone!"

I deadpanned and sighed. "You sure are the perfect friend," I said sarcastically. She laughed and then abruptly stopped. "What's that on your (b/p)?," she asked. I looked to where that was and saw my (w/t). "Oh yeah!," I smiled. "Grell gave it to me! It's a death scythe!"

           Her face turned to a jealous one. "What! No fair! I want one!," she turned to Grell. "S-sorry, I got that from my world. There are no reapers here, other than me," he put his hands out in front of him.

          Erin sighed in defeat. "Damn it."
"Anyway, since you all only have the pair of clothes you are wearing on now," I said, causing me and Erin to smirk at each other. "We will all go shopping tomorrow!!!," we announced in sync. It was like the Hikaru and Kaoru act, me Hikaru, her Kaoru.

        The boys all froze in fear, and we smiled demonically at them, so terrifying we made Satan jealous.

True Fear (All Black Butler Boys X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now