{Claude's Ending}

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       Claude sensed my discomfort and whisked me away. I mean literally. He picked me up and ran out the door with his demon speed. I blushed at the way he was holding me, bridal style. Of course. Like you don't get enough bridal style holding in fanfics. Now it happens in real life.

      We stopped by s creepy building with a sign out front. "Seriously Claude? A haunted house? Wtf just because you're a demon doesn't mean you should take advantage of me! I'm not even scared of these things!," I scolded.

       He just chuckled and walked in. He put me down and walked ahead of me, which I didn't like, so I had to run to catch up to him.

       There were things that popped out at every turn, but none of them scared me. Claude seemed to be getting frustrated.

     All of a sudden I get pulled back and I scream, "HOLY- SWEET JESUS FRICK!" And I get pulled into the curtains.

        I struggle before I feel a needle going into my neck, and my limbs grow weak. I was paralyzed. They giggled and tied me to a wall, putting gorey makeup on me and fake blood. I chuckle as I realize their plan.

      Soon Claude comes rushing in, only to gasp as he sees me "dead". He starts panicking, and I hear the teenagers laugh. "We finally scared the statue man!," they cheered, making fun of how emotionless he is.

        He glared at them and went to kill them, but I yelled "stop!," and all was good in the hood with my homies. The drug was very weak and had worn out, and Claude untied me as I told him about the prank. He ended up laughing in the end too, which made me happy.

        Later that night we had ended up bank at my house. He was "putting me to bed" by forcefully pushing me onto the bed and placing himself on top of me. He whispered in my ear, "Want to make a contract?"

      I nodded and he stated, "The contract will be so that I can always sense when you're in trouble and give off your location. Is it okay with you?" I modded again and he leaned towards my neck, and but it, causing me to gasp.

       He unhinged his fangs and I got up to look in the mirror. And there it was. Claude's yellow contract symbol. "I love you," he stated. I turned to him and smiled. "I love you too." He leaned down and kissed me roughly and passionately, just the way I like it.

      "You know," I say after he broke the kiss. "I always wanted to know what spider tasted like. Always assumed it was yucky." He 'tched' but then chuckled, bring me in for another kiss since I wasn't "out of breath enough."

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