{Alois's Ending}

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"ALOIS. OUTSIDE. NOW!," I yelled and grabbed his arm, running out the door, all the way to the closest movie theatre. "Two for 'Birth of the Dragon' please," I said. "That will be $18.37." I sighed and payed the ticket guy and dragged Alois in.

"Hey, isn't that PG-13?," Alois asked. "Alois. I'm fricking 14. I can do whatever the hell I want," I replied. He giggled and gripped my butt, only to receive a hiss from me.

"Alois your-mother-is-dead Trancy we're in public." His smirk turned into that grinning meme and he replied, "But you liked it~" "Doesn't mean it's appropriate," I grabbed his arm and brought him into the cinema in which our movie was playing.

He decided to text while the trailers were playing, and I couldn't blame him. There were trailers for the fricking Emoji Movie, in which I booed out loud, causing the audience to laugh a bit.

Then the movie started playing, so I grabbed Alois's phone and threw it across the room, earning a "What the hell?!?," from him. "Shh. Movie," I said.

About halfway through the movie, Alois poked my arm. I turned my head to face him, only to get a face full of Alous in return. He kissed me passionately, and I, umm, kissed back. In my own way. Since I don't know how to kiss.

When the credits scene played, we got up and stretched. "That was pretty dope," I said, and got a nod in return. Alois grabbed my hand and began slipping back to the lobby, and then outside.

         He pulled me into the frozen yogurt place next door, and I smiled. We ordered what we wanted, home a (f/f), him strawberry with rainbow sprinkles. We sat at a table and waited.

        When the guy gave us our comes, we thanked him and dug in. "So good~," I mumbled, causing Alois to chuckle. "I bet it doesn't taste as good as you~," he purred. "Boi you can't tone the heck down for a fricking second," I sighed.

       When we finished we went out, hand-in-hand. We were both blushing but enjoying ourselves.

         "(Y/n)," he mumbled, not loud enough for me to hear. "What?," I asked, turning my head to face him. "I love you," he stated and kisses me passionately. I was startled at first, but soon melted into it. When we broke apart, I grabbed his face and said, "I love you too."


"Do you promise you'll never leave me?," he asked.

I chuckled. "I promise."

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