Mark Her

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Chapter 4

I'm tired of texting you like this, I would really like to see you again. When are you going to ask me to chill?

Zara couldn't help the smile that sprouted across her face while reading the text message from Melanie. It's been three days after they've met and they've been texting back and forth ever since then. Although the two have only been talking for three days, its felt more like 3 months. They've gotten to know so much about each other. As soon as Zara got back to her apartment from taking Melanie home she texted her. It was like Zara could say everything she wanted to the girl much easier through text.

She did want to see her again, but she wasn't sure if asking was appropriate. Until now.... "I'm so stupid...," Zara mumbled to herself shaking her head.

Wanna hang out? Zara tentatively replied.

Zara tapped her phone screen nervously as she laid across her bed waiting for a reply. She had already basically confessed her attraction to the pretty brown skin. Even if it was at first sight, it was too strong to ignore.

Yes! Come get me!

Zara plopped up and grabbed her keys, heading towards her pretty brown crush.

"Hey sexy," Melanie greeted excitedly climbing into Zara's car.

"Hey," Zara blushed licking her lips starring at the girl.

They sat starring at each other for a few seconds. Melanie looked around and finally burst into a giggle asking, "So..," she mused, "Where are we going?"

Zara sat up and frowned in confusion, "Omm, I hadn't thought that far..."

"Me either," Melanie shook her head and they both crowned forward laughing. "We're terrible."

Zara marveled at Melanie when she rolled down her window letting the wind in. The sun beamed down on one side of her face and a soft breeze brew her curly almond brown hair. Her skin looked so firm and youthful. Her face lacked acne and blemishes. It was even and velvety. Her brown eyes turned to pools under the intensity of the sun. She wore a plain white shirt, semi see-through, a nude skirt and brown alligator sandals.

"You look very nice... You look like a princess."

Melanie threw her head in Zara's direction. "Thank you," She blushed, "Can I be your princess?" Melanie teased running her hand down Zara's arms as it lies on the console.

"Yeah," Zara watched the minx as she bit her lip in anticipation. Her eyes stayed there yearning to taste her lips, "You can be mine."

Zara leaned into the girls' space and kissed her. The smell of her perfume only made Zara want her more. She loved the way women smelled. Zara couldn't fight the beast in her once her tongue brushed against Melanie's lip and tasted her cherry chapstick. She turned her head to get better access to the girls' mouth. She let her lips travel down to her soft, warm, long neck. She just wanted more...

She ran her other hand up the girls' leg and squeezed her inner thigh. A low moan slipped pasted the girls' lips as she arched up into Zara's hand. One minute Zara was kissing the girl, next she found herself trying to suck the blood from the girls' neck. Melanie started pulling herself away.

"I'm sorry," Zara realized how hard she must've come onto the girl, "I just kind of lost control an—

"No, it's fine. I really like you." Melanie's face carried a red hue as she tried to regain her breath and compose herself.

"I like you more," Zara instantly replied. "Why'd we stop?"

"We're in public."

"So what, you taste so good." Zara starred back at the girls' now swollen lips. "I want you, please don't make me stop."

"Let's go to your place?"

Zara shook her head. Her vision was getting a little hazy. She felt the same as when she'd had a few too many drinks. "I don't think I can make it."

Melanie look to where Zara had raised her skirt and didn't bother to fix, "But I'm a princess remember," She smiled slyly and ran her palms up to the knee of her firm legs, "You've got to take me at your castle."

Oh... shit..., Zara mumbled to herself as she sped back to her apartment.

As soon as Zara unlocked her door and let Melanie in she smashed their lips together. The entire ride there she had been looking at Zara and teasing her. Her cup was overflowing with joy now.

Zara grabbed the back of the girls' thighs and picking her up carrying her to the bedroom.

She dropped her on the bed and climbed on top pulling off her the girls' top. She was in awe with the girl as she lay open to Zara in all her chocolate glory.

"You okay baby?"

Zara's smiled at the new pet name, "Yeah you just so damn beautiful." Zara kissed the girls smooth stomach and squeezed her soft bottom from under her skirt.

"Remember all those things you said you'd wish you could do with me over the phone?"

Zara nodded.

"You can do them now."

Zara licked her lips and pulled off the girls' panties preparing to send her into a world of bliss and ecstasy.


I need the clout on my other stories to be the same way on this one, so get the likes up and I'll update ASAP!


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