Hit Her

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Chapter 15

I remember it like it just happen,

I could've have sworn it was a dream,

but in reality it hit me like a nightmare.

Or atleast that's how it seemed.

"Go get the water started for the bath, you're joining me." Melanie lightly pushed Zara toward the bathroom. Zara smirked back at her and licked her lips, "Yes baby, but you know exactly where this will lead."

Melanie giggled, "I'll be in there. I have to go get the bath bomb from the living room."

Zara walked in her boxers in the bathroom while Melanie walked to the living room in her underwear. She looked around the beautifully decorated room for a gift bag. She spotted it underneath the coffee table and went to go grab it. The hairs on her began to stand up when she heard a sound. Goosebumps appeared all over her skin as her eyes went to the patio glass doors. It was dark out, she couldn't see past the yellow chairs that sat out there. All day she felt as if someone were watching her. Her mind began to race; she began to think that someone had broken in.

"Zara are you in the bathroom?!" Melanie yelled towards the bedroom. "Where else could I be?!" she laughed, "Hurry up the water's ready!"

Melanie just walked through the rest of the house to make sure all the doors were locked. She began to unwrap the bath bomb when she heard something click and then a sharp pain in her lower abdomen. The blow yanked her body forward and making her fall to her knees. She looked down in confusion as her hand went to the source of the blood. She let out a painful whimper as tears ran down her face. "Zara," she moaned painfully. She tried grabbing onto the coffee table to pull herself up but that tumbled along with her, shattering to pieces.

Zara jerked up when she heard the sound, "Melanie!? You okay?" After a few seconds of silence she ran to the living room in panic mode. She saw her lover curled up in fetal position in a pile of glass and her own blood. "Fuck!" she ran to her side and picked her up in her arms, "Baby what the hell happened?!"

Melanie's face was contorted with pain and wet with tears. She sucked in a breath but winced at the pain it caused. Zara's eyes hectically traveled to the hole in her side and shook her head in confusion as her head jerked around the house for an attacker. "How? Who did it?!" She reached for her phone on the couch and dialed an ambulance.

"Stay with me baby, you're going to be okay, don't close your eyes." Zara sobbed to Melanie as she faded away in her arms. "You'd better open your eyes dammit, don't you sleep on me!" She yelled, shaking her in her arms.

Zara told the police where she was and to get there quickly with an ambulance. Zara rocked her girl in her arms trying to capture the attention of her fluttering eyes. "I-It... hurts," Melanie cried, "Shh baby," Zara cooed, "Don't talk, help is on the way you're going to be okay. I just need you to be really strong for me right now okay." They both nodded to each other.

A few agonizing moments passed before help arrived. Zara yelled to them their location. She watched Melanie's eyes close as she picked her up and ran her outside, "Baby we're almost there, stick with me!"

The EMT squad performed their procedure and took Melanie onto a stretcher and examined her wound. Zara climbed in with her holding her hand the entire time. So many thoughts ran through Zara's mind. Who shot her baby? Why would they shoot her? Was it an accident? Why didn't she hear the gunshot? She began pounding her fists on her forehead. How could she be so stupid?!

"Ma'am everything's going to be okay, we're going to take care of her!" An EMT assured Zara as she worked around Melanie to stabilize her and clear her wound.

Zara nodded urgently, ducking her head over and around the EMT's in order to keep her eyes on Melanie.

They arrived at the hospital and rushed Melanie inside. "Please, please, please..." Zara prayed to herself. She ran up and took a hold on Melanie's hand as she faded in and out of consciousness. "Baby, please, stay awake for me." Zara croaked lowly at Melanie. She knew her voice would find her lover's ears despite their frantic surroundings.

Zara felt someone stopping her from entering a room with Melanie. There were doctors and nurses talking about the critical condition she was in. The person hindering her from entering blocked her pathway trying to say something to her, "...cannot enter beyond this point. Stay out here we will take care of her." Zara's attention finally snapped back to the nurse in front of her. "...okay," she croaked dryly, feeling a sob choke its way up. She nodded, "Okay..."

So Zara waited, and waited. She waited for her heart to wake up and be back with her again.

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