Take Her

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Chapter 12

Zara stormed into her parent's house with the box of money in her grasp. She slammed her fists down on the door continuously until her father answered it with a look of frustration.

"What the hell is wrong with you Zara?!"

"Me? What the hell is wrong with you!?" Zara pushed passed her father and turned to face him. "I've been trying to come to terms with this person you've morphed into. I've been trying to deny the fact that my father, the one man in my life who sets the highest standards, is a hypocritical asshole!" Zara sneered between gritted teeth.

"What the hell has gotten into you? You will not talk to me like that in this house!" Zara tossed the lid off the box and thrashed its contents onto the floor. "You think money can buy everything, don't you!?"

"Honey," Zara's mother called from up the stairs, "Is everything okay—

She froze at the top of the steps watching the scene play out in front of her as Hendrix stood wide eyed.

"You tried to bribe Melanie, the girl that I love. You tried to hurt me by paying her to stay away. You put her in one of the most traumatizing, and inhumane situations ever. I am ashamed to call you my father. You disgust me!" Zara was holding back tears as she spat words of hatred at her father. "She doesn't want your filthy money. I don't want your filthy money. I'll take care of us. I want nothing to do with you, ever."

Zara marched through the pile of green paper and out the house, slamming the door behind her. She climbed into her chair and headed back to her baby.

"Melanie," Zara yelled as she entered the quiet home, "You done packing and stuff?"

"Zara, why am I packing? Are we going somewhere?"

"Yes baby, I want to take you somewhere," Zara feverishly grabbed Melanie's hand and took her bag from her. "Is that it? This is everything you're bringing? No, baby, you'll need more."

"Zara calm down, you're freaking me out, and you're acting like you just murdered someone."

Melanie softly squeezed Zara's shoulders instantly relaxing her. "How'd it go?"

Zara took a deep sigh and closed her eyes for a few moments. Melanie hugged her and rubbed circles into her back, calming her shaking. "I want to take you away to somewhere else, somewhere special."

"Anywhere with you is special."

"Hey," Zara whined, "The cute pickup lines are my thing. I'm supposed to be making you blush."

Melanie cheesed, "Well I'm sorry I'm naturally smooth."

Zara chuckled running her fingers through her hair. "Please," Zara pleaded looking deep into Melanie's eyes, "Leave with me. We can leave here, you won't have to worry about money for a while, and I won't have to worry about my father being intrusive anymore."

"Zara, we can't just pick up and run away from our problems. Besides, money—

"Money is not a problem for me baby, I've gotten everything covered."

"I can't stay gone forever... my mother."

"We'll be back. I swear I just want some time away with you. Like a vacation. I know you deserve one."

Melanie smiled sheepishly, "Okay." She shrugged. Zara jumped in excitement, "Yes! That's why I love you!"

Melanie playfully rolled her eyes and went to finish packing a few things.

"So where are we going?" Melanie mused as she pulled Zara's free hand into her lap and played with her fingers. "You'll see when we get there." Zara smiled. "No but what if I don't approve of where you're taking me?" Melanie argued.

Zara shrugged, "I guess you don't have a choice now do you?" Zara burst out into fits of laughter.

Turns out they were headed for some sort of island. Melanie has never had the luxury of going on vacations, especially to another island. She's never even been on an airplane or a boat. Speaking of boats, they were currently on a ferry.

Melanie climbed out of the car and walked to the front of the ferry. Zara followed her as she watched her girlfriend move eagerly.

"Wow! It's so beautiful! How could I have been missing an experience as cheap and simple like this?!"

Zara watched in awe, admiring Melanie's soft tight curls tussle in the strong breeze brought on through the tides. "Baby..." Zara mused still calming glancing over her soft features, "I know this may be a bad time but I would really like to continue our conversation that we were having before the church. I'm still a little curious about you and your life. It's very... intriguing. Could I know more?"

Melanie smiled warmly as she turned to Zara who stood with her hands shoved in her pockets. She held her hand and interlaced their fingers, "Of course baby, ask away."

"Well, do u have any siblings?"


"....where does your mother work? "

"A chicken coop and a pickle plant."

"Have you ever thought about going back to school?"

"All the time...," Melanie smiled to herself, squeezing Zara's hand a bit.

"You know," Zara began, "You could get your diploma still and then maybe continue your education to a two-year or four-year institution." Zara pulled Melanie into her and laced her other hand through her fingers and through her arms cross her lovers bosom, barring her to her chest.

"But I don't have enough money to pay for those things. Besides how can I manage work and school? Then I won't be able to see you while you're not busy. I don't have reliable transportation so I can't guarantee that I can get everywhere on time."
"How do you usually get places?"

"I walk, take the bus, or call someone for a ride."

"Baby, you could always call me for a ride. Every queen needs chauffeur, maybe even a carriage. As for school, a couple thousand a year is nothing when you come out with a credible job and start making a lot more."

Melanie blushed as she turned in Zara's arms. She shook her head, "No baby," she whined as she ferried her eyebrows.

"No?" Zara interjected, "You won't let me help?"

"No, it's not that. It's just... I just... don't want you to invest too much in me. You're already doing so much—

"I'm not doing anything; I want to do something to show that I really love you."

"Taking me on this trip is enough. Loving me is enough—let's not converse about school right now. Let's not talk about money either because I have no idea where you're getting it from. The entire time I was under the assumption that your parent's had always funded your every move."

Zara winced, "Oh come on. I'm not that typical. I have independence. I have my own revenue streams." Zara danced around Melanie swaying her arms.

"I'm sorry, you're right baby. You're a lot different, you're special." Melanie planted a passionate kiss on Zara's lips. Zara instantly responded letting her hand find the small of Melanie's back.

Zara looked around for a secluded area somewhere on the ferries. She sucked her teeth when she couldn't spot one. "Mm, you're all mine this weekend baby."

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