Don't Leave...

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Still in Bulgaria


Once Ky was changed and after we did the usual random stuffs we normally did together, it was now 7.

'Come down guys! Breakfast is ready!' Ky's dad shouted.

A waft of the undeniable smell of bacon filled the house and we walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. Ky's dad was making bacon sandwiches and placing them on the plates we always had. We each had different colored plates, mine was grey.

''Here you go! Ketchup's on the side.' He said as he placed the plates on the table and walked into the living room where he packed last few items in a box.

'Thanks Dad!' Ky said as we sat to match the corrosponding plates.

The bacon was still warm and the smell was lush. I couldn't wait to eat it. Us four loved bacon so this was perfect! Ian seemed to want bacon with everything. Ice cream, drinks, he would want it no matter what. After passing around the ketchup, we tucked into the heaven that was our breakfast. I bit into it and the taste flooded my mouth.

'Seriously?' Aaran said.

I turned to look and Ketchup was spilt down his shirt. We laughed as he wiped it off with a napkin and sighed.

'Why does it always happen to me?' He sighed.

'Gotta happen to someone dude. And it always happens to be you!' Ian laughed.

We ate our sandwiches quickly. Aaran leaned in and whispered into my ear, 'Dude, it's nearly 8. Should we give it to her now?' He said.

I looked at the clock and it was neaerly 8. Time flies quickly when you are having fun. 

'Let's go into the living room. Not much fun being sat up the table.' I say and we make our way into the baren living room. We perch down onto the cream sofa and the floor.

'What do you guys wanna do?' Ky asked.

'Well, since you are leaving us in about an hour or so, we got you some things to remember us by.' I say and Ky sighs.

'I told you not to.' She said.

'Well, we would get them no matter what! You know we would.' Ian says.

'Fair point.' Ky says.


My trio of friends went out into the hallway and came back with bags behind their backs. Despite me telling them not to, i knew they would because, well, they are friends with me. As they sat down, I glanced up at the clock. 8:03am. 6am ish in America. An hour until I leave for the airport. Sorrow filled me and I sighed slightly. 

'Here. This is from me and my family.' Kaitlin says as she hands me a box wrapped in red paper. 

I open it and inside was a beautiful photo and frame. The frame was a deep black with 'Friends for days' written on it in an electric green color. Inside the picture was one of when we went to the beach in the summer. We had just gone swimming and teh sun was setting. Kaitlin's mum wanted to take a photo and we basically stood in a line and laughed because...welll...we are weird. I loved that photo loads.

'Thanks dude!' I say and hug Kaitlin. She smiles and Ian passes me a rectangular object wrapped in neon blue paper. (Yes, you can get neon blue paper, I had it at Christmas.)

Carefully opening it, I see a black book with a sticker on it saying 'Memories'. I open it up and there were pictures stuck neatly on the pages and some notes written around the edges on some of them. It was a photo album. I flicked through the pages, the photos went back as far as pre-school. From pre school until now in high school, there were funny photos of us all together. There were selfies, best moments and occasions. I would study them more carefully on the plane but for now, flicking through the pages was all I could bare at the moment. 

I give him a hug and thank him greatly. Finally, Aaran gave me a gift with the paper messily stuck and wrapped.

'Sorry...I'm not good with that kinda thing.' He says.

'It's fine. I cannot wrap to save my life!' I laugh and we agree. 

Opening it, I see a jumper with an electric guitar on fire. It looked freaking amazing.

'My god that is so cool!' I say, slipping on the jumper that was a few sizes too big for me.

'I got it too big so it would keep for longer.' Aaran explained.

'It's awesome! I love it!' I say as I hug him in thanks. 

Quickly running upstairs, I bring down a smallish suitcase which was for things like my laptop and things, pillows and the PJs I was wearing. Slipping the Book and photo carefully inside, I zip up the case I leave it by the door. When I return to sit on the sofa, I nearly sit on a box in neon budder wrapping. Did I forget to mention I'm in the Sky Army?

'What's this?' I ask, picking up the small box.

'From all of us!' My trio of friends say in unison.

I look at the present and open it carefully. Inside was a black box. I lift the lid to find a budder chain and a budder locket. I lift it out and find the words 'Friends forever' engraved in it. I smile as I open up the locket. There was a picture of us laughing at a disco we went to for Ian's birthday party.

'It's awesome. I love it!' I clip on the necklace. It took me a fair few attempts because I don't wear necklaces but I would gladly wear this necklace any day.

I pull my friends in for a big group hug.


We laughed until my dad came into the living room and said the dreaded words. 

'Ky....' He said and we turned to look at him. 'It's time to go.' 

Straight away our happiness was drained and replaced with silence and sadness. I stood up and looked down. My friends stood up as my dad left the house. I walk forwards, my friends trailing behind me. I stepped out the house for the final time, locking it once my friends had left. My dad had already loaded the truck up with the bags, all that was needed was me. 

I walked in front of it and turned around. I looked at my friends, tears forming in my eyes. Kaitlin's face was a shade of red and tears streaked her face. Everybody's face was wet with tears. 

I walked up to them and Kaitlin threw her arms around me, crying into my shoulder.

'I'm gonna miss you. Who's gonna troll me in Minecraft?' She says.

'I will miss you too.' I say, allowing tears to escape my eyes.

Kaitlin reluctantly let me go, her eyes now red. Then, they all come in for a hug so we were in a group hug. Letting them go, I hear the engine of the truck rumble to life. I could see My dad was ready to go and it was time for me to leave.  Turning back to my friends, I sigh.

'I'll try and see you guys again.' I say.

'Don't leave. Please.' Ian said.

'I have to. Don't forget me...alright?' I say through tears.

'Don't forget us.' Aaran said.


'Ky, we have to go now.' Dad called.

Slowly, I walked to the truck and opened the door. I look back at my friends for the last time and smiled and waved goodbye. They waved back sadly.

'Goodbye. Thanks for everything.' I said sadly to them.

I got into the passengers seat and look back through the back window.

As my dad pulled away, my friends began chasing the truck until we were going to fast for them to catch up. They stopped running and stood, watching the truck leave. We turned a corner and the tiny outlines of my best friends stood there. My necklace banged aginst the seat, emmiting little jingles as it did so. I clutch the necklace, still crying. I speak to myself in my head sadly.

'Goodbye guys. I'm gonna miss you...'

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