Just chilling

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Ow!!! Not again... Propping myself up with my elbows, I rub my head as I release I fell out of my bed...again. I reach onto the bedside table and put on my glasses before shaking my head to fix my hair. Standing up, I see my phone laying on my bed.

That's weird. I always have my phone on the table. I say to myself mentally.

Picking it up, I see the light flashing a green, showing I had a message or email. Most likely an email. Entering my phone's code, I pull down the message bar and see I have got a few messages from Baki and Bodil.

I read them and the one from Baki says 'G'night' and the other from Bodil says 'Night Ky. By the way, we will talk tomorrow about meeting up at some point ;3 ' I raise an eyebrow but then remembered it was Bodil who sent the message. I throw on some knee length guy shorts, tatty black hi-tops and a baggy gamer shirt before running downstairs to the kitchen to grab some breakfast.

Walking inside , I see my dad doing a crossword in the newspaper. He looks up and smiles when he sees me.

'Morning Ky.' He says.

'Hello' I reply.

He looks at me shocked. 'Ky? Did you just say hello in English?'

I smile as I nod.

'I spent ages trying to learn English yesterday night after school. I want to talk to my friends without Simon having to be a translator for me.' I say in Bulgarian again. 'Learnt some words but I am getting better.' I smile, getting out a cup and pouring some water into it.

'That's great! Soon you will speak English like a second language!' Dad smiles, folding up his paper and placing it to the side.

'It will be...' I sigh and sit down at the table.

'Oh yeah!' Dad chuckles.

''Can I go Skype my friends?' I ask him. I am desperate to talk to them at some point. Being far away from them is hard, even with my new friends around, they cannot replace who I left behind.

'Not now Ky. Maybe later.' Dad says and I nod.

'Wanna play Halo?' I say to Dad.

'Yeah. Come on Kydo.' Dad uses my annoying nickname.

'Don't call me Kydo...' I growl and follow dad to the gaming room.

-After two hours of Halo-

'Come in Ky! No fair.' Dad sighed as the match ended. I laughed as I always did when I annoyed my dad. Then, my phone went off. My dad picked it up and looked at it to check if it was a message.

'Who is Bashur?' Dad asks, looking confused at the phone through glasses.

I snatch the phone out of his hands and stuff it into my pocket quickly. 'Oh. A friend.'

'Oh. They are one of your new friends?'

I nod my head.

'Who else is there?' Dad asks.

'Martin or Bodil, Simon or Melon, Baki or Snowman, Double or Ryan, Alex or Ghost and Brandon or Bashur.' I list, counting on my fingers.

'And they are all boys?'

'Yeah. You don't like that?' I ask, worried.

'No. It's fine. Just curious is all.' Dad says as he stands up. 'I am going to do some things downstairs. See you later.' He says walking to the door and leaving.

Once the door was shut, I check the message. It was from Bashur. (Ky, Bashur)

Hey Ky!

Hi Bashur! Sup?

Nothing much. You?

Halo with my dad

Cool! Me and the others were wondering if ya wanted to hang with us today.

I'd love to!

Would you be cool if we went to the movies then hung round Baki's for a bit?

Sure! Sounds like a plan!

Yeah! I'll tell them now

Cheers Bash!

K. See ya later!

See ya dude!

I shut off my cell and go downstairs to Dad again who was watching soccer

'Hey Dad, mind if I hang out with my friends today?' I ask him.

'What time you going out and coming back?' Dad asks, turning down the volume.

'2 and 9' I say.

'Hmm...that should be alright. I would be doing work anyways so that's cool. What you gonna be doing?' Dad asks casually.

'Go to the movies then hang around Baki's house for a bit.’ I say and Dad nods.

‘I think that will be fine with me. So long as Baki’s parents don’t mind then that’s alright with me.’ Dad agrees with the plans.

Thanks Dad! You are the best!’ I smile and hug him before going back upstairs into my bedroom.

‘Don’t spend too long up there Ky! We have lunch in a minute!’

I know Dad! I’ll be listening to music or something.’ I call, running quickly up the

I text Bashur back saying I can go and he says that’s awesome. Y’know how texts go. Walking to my window, I open it and perch on the window ledge. My necklace taps against my chest and I open it. Seeing the picture of my friends made me sad. I feel so guilty leaving them even though it wasn’t anything to do with me. It was now 12, midday here and I realised that Bulgaria is 9 hours ahead of us, not the two hours I thought it was. So it would be 9 at night for Kaitlin and Aaran and Ian. If we were going to talk, it was going to be hard. Damn I hate time zones.

Not moments later, Dad called me down for lunch. We ate as we just cahtted about the general stuff you would talk about. I washed up and tidied everything away when Dad walked back into teh kitchen as I was putting away the cups.

'Ky. Your friends should be here in five minutes.' He said and I nodded.

'Ok. Let me grab a jacket.'  I say and run upstairs, grab a jacket with the Nike logo on the back and pull on my hi-tops.

Just as I finish tieing my laces messily as always, the doorbell rings.

'Dad! My friends are here!' I shout to him and he replies with 'Ok. I'll see you latrer!'

I answer the door and there is the gang  there chatting.

'Hey!' They call in unison.

 Straight away I can tell we are gonna have an awesome time at the movies!

A New Change - A Bodil40 and Friends Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now