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a/n: hi!!!!! i'm so happy to be writing about these idiots!!!!! i luv them!!!! for those who read and enjoyed "adventurous" there WILL be a sequel!!! i'm out of town rn, so i'll plan to post it sometime after i get home and after i've posted a few chapters of this fic! i hope u like it!!! I LOVE U GUYS!!!!
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"guys," sirius says in a grave voice. it's a voice reserved for when he receives letters from his mother, or when he's just having a bad day overall.

james sits up. he'd been laying back in bed, flipping through a book about quidditch lily evans had given him. "sirius? what's the matter?"

"yeah, what's wrong?" peter asks.

sirius sits at the edge of his bed. "i have some news."

james leans forward. "sirius, you're scaring me. what's wrong?"

sirius lets out a loud, dramatic sigh. "i'm in love."

james smacks him with his book. "you dramatic little shit! you scared me! what the fuck! do you think this is a fucking game?"

sirius dodges him, laughing. "no, james, really! i'm in love! i'm really, truly in love!"

"this is the first i've heard of this," peter frowns, crossing his arms. "you two always leave me out of things."

"no, this is the first i've heard, too,"
james says, glaring at sirius. "so tell us, then. who is it?"

sirius lets out a dreamy sigh. "his name is remus lupin."

peter and james exchange glances. "remus lupin?" peter asks. "you mean the nerdy, little, bookish guy? spends all his time in the library?"

sirius is grinning like an idiot. "yes! him. he has my heart."

"does he know you exist?" james asks dryly, making sirius lean across the space between their beds just to shove him.

"he will! i just...need your help."

"our help? why?" peter asks.

"well...i need you guys to hype me up. you know...throw in a couple good words for me." peter and james both stare at him blankly. "oh, come on, please! oh, please! i'll give you guys all my chocolate frogs forever! please, he's the cutest little thing and i just about die every time i see him."

james rolls his eyes. "yeah, all right, sirius. only because you helped me look good in front of lily."

"i broke my leg for that, james. i should get more credit than you gave me."

"nobody asked you to do that! i just asked you to fake a minor injury and you decided to be all extra about it!"

sirius tosses his head back dramatically. "okay, james! i understand! i put my life on the line for you, and you can't even out in a good word for me in front of the boy of my dreams. i understand! some friend you are! maybe i'll go and make friends with lucius malfoy since i'm clearly not wanted here! why don't i just go and sort myself into slytherin! i'll just --"

james tosses a pillow at him. "merlin's beard, sirius, okay!"

sirius laughs. "thank you, guys, really. i really like him, and he won't even give me the time of day."

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"where is he?"

"he's over there, james, see? in the yellow cardigan," sirius whispers. his heart is in his throat. "god, he's cute. i want to kiss his nose."

james and peter both stifle a laugh. that comment is so unlike anything sirius would ever say aloud it's almost funny. "what do you want me to do?"

"i don't know," sirius admits. "i just..." he fidgets, cracking his knuckles nervously, and peter touches his wrist to make him stop.

"let's just go sit," suggests peter. peter and james go to the table, but sirius hangs back, chewing on his lip.

"hi, remus," james says, and remus smiles up at him. "can we sit here? most of the other tables are full."
remus nods, and they sit. sirius can't breathe, and then james stands and calls, "sirius, we found a table! come sit!"

they intentionally left the seat next to remus open, and sirius sits. he still can't really breathe, and his tongue feels too big for his mouth.

"hello," he manages to choke out, smiling a bit at remus. remus smiles back, and all sirius can do is stare at the tiny dimple in his cheek. sirius wants to kiss it continuously.

"hi," remus says back, but his cheeks are a bit pink, and sirius is able to relax a bit when he realizes he must make remus nervous, too.

"what are you working on?" sirius asks remus after a few minutes of silence.

"herbology," remus replies, scrunching up his face adorably. it's so cute, in fact, sirius chokes back a gasp. "i'm awful at it."

"sirius is really good at it," james blurts, and sirius stares over at him, eyes wide, because this is entirely untrue. "like, really, really good. i'm sure he'd be more than happy to tutor you one-on-one sometime." he wiggles his eyebrows suggestively at sirius when remus looks away. sirius makes definite plans to kill his best friend.

"oh, you are? would you please tutor me tomorrow night? please? i have to write an essay and i've no idea what i'm doing! please, sirius? i'll bake you cookies and i'll be forever in your debt!"

sirius can't turn down an offer like that. looks like it'll be a long night spent memorizing everything he can about herbology. "of course i will, remus. i'd be more than happy to."

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