f o u r

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"sirius." a hand poking his face, disturbing his very restful sleep he's having in the library.

"go 'way," he mumbles grumpily, turning his face the other way so the person will stop poking him.

"sirius," the voice whines, and sirius, without opening his eyes, grabs the person's hand before they can poke him again. he sits up, indignant, expecting it to be james, but it's remus, smiling shyly. sirius immediately lets go of his wrist.

"oh! remus," he gasps, embarrassed at being caught asleep at the library, of all places. "uh, hi!"

remus giggles. "hi," he says. "um...i've brought you something."

"you brought me something?" sirius repeats. he sits up, shoves his poetry book aside. "what is it?"

shy smile turning more into pride, remus lays his plate of chocolate chip cupcakes on the table. sirius' eyes widen, and he stares up at the tiny, cute boy standing above him. "where did you get these!? chocolate chip is my favorite!"

"i made them," remus admits, chewing on his lower lip.

sirius' eyebrows shoot up, mouth half full of cupcake. "you made these?"

remus nods, blushing. "um...are they good? i didn't even try one...i was too nervous! alice was making fun of me, she said, um..." his blush deepens. "um, never mind."

god, his flushed cheeks are adorable. "alice prewett?"

remus nods. "she's a good friend of mine."

sirius nods, too. "she seems nice. i've never really interacted with her...but if she likes you, she must have good taste." he grins, and it widens when remus blushes.

"well, um...enjoy your cupcakes, i don't wanna bother you --"

"no, hey, stay," sirius says, super quickly. he even pulls out the chair beside him for remus. "come finish off these cupcakes with me. if i don't finish them, james will eat all of them. i owe him, anyway."

"you owe him?" remus asks after taking a tiny bite. "for what?"

sirius' cheeks flush. "uh...he's just been, um, helping me out with some school stuff. so i told him he could have all of my chocolate frogs for the rest of my life."

remus laughs, the first real, belly laugh sirius has ever heard from him. all sirius can do is stare, heart fluttering, in awe. "go to hogsmeade with me," he says, barely even aware he's said it. all he knows is that remus is smiling and laughing and he hopes to god he never stops. it's so lovely, so soft and beautiful, and his heart is going to beat out of his goddamn chest.

"what?" remus gasps once he's stopped laughing. he's blushing a bit again, and he plays with the sleeves of his cardigan.

"go to hogsmeade with me," sirius repeats, much softer. the fondness in his chest has been replaced with terror. "if you want, i mean. obviously, you don't have to. i'm sorry. i don't even know why i asked, i know we don't know each other all that well...i don't know, i guess i just think you're so sweet, and i'd like to repay you for the cupcakes. i'll buy you a butterbeer, we can just --"


"-- do whatever you want, there's no pressure, i just -- what?"

"i said okay. i'll go to hogsmeade with you."


"yeah, i'd like that." remus is still smiling shyly, and he finally manages to meet sirius' eyes. "especially if you're buying the butterbeer."

sirius laughs. "i'll buy you firewhiskey if you want it. whatever you want."

"okay," remus smiles. "butterbeer and firewhiskey. sounds good to me."

"sounds good to me, too," sirius says back, far too softly.

 - - -

"YOU GUYS, RED ALERT!" sirius shouts, running into the dorm where peter is asleep and james is still eating his chocolate frogs.

"what? why are you yelling?" peter demands, sitting up and rubbing his eyes.

"remus and i are going to hogsmeade and i have no idea how it happened, but i have to find something to wear!" sirius shouts, running to the closet and sorting through his clothes.

"you're so dramatic," james laughs, shaking his head. "just wear your leather jacket and your skinny jeans that make your butt look good."

sirus turns. "they make my butt look good?"

"yeah, dude," james yawns, turning back to his chocolate frogs. 

"that's gay, dude."

"you're gay," james retorts. sirius shrugs, entirely unable to argue with that, and he shrugs on his jeans, checking out his ass in the mirror.

bookworm // wolfstar auWhere stories live. Discover now