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"remus!" sirius' voice is urgent, and it takes remus a second to realize it's excited urgency and not the type of urgency caused by chaos. "remus! remus, sweetheart, where are you?" he's so excited he's shouting in the library, which makes remus stifle a laugh.

"mr. black! do you have to shout?" the librarian calls after him, shaking her head and trying not to laugh. as much as she pretends to be annoyed, she really does like sirius quite a lot, even if all he does in the library is sleep and/or bug remus.

"there you are! hi, baby!" sirius leaves a few kisses on the top of remus' head and sits in the seat beside him. "working on anything important?"

"everything i'm working on is important, sirius."

sirius rolls his eyes fondly. "fine, then. are you working on anything so important that it can't be postponed a bit?"

"i guess not," remus concedes, shutting his textbook. "what did you have in mind?"

sirius is beaming again, tugging on remus' arm in his excitement. "come on!"

remus is smiling now, too. "alright, alright!" he packs up his things as quickly as he can, laughing when sirius gets so impatient he starts helping remus put his things away.

"let's go!" sirius links his arm through remus', laughing and pulling him out of the library and down the steps. 

"where are we even going, babe?"

"hogsmeade," sirius answers, which makes remus smile. "wanna get drunk off butterbeer?"

remus laughs so hard he snorts. "you pulled me out of the library to get me drunk?"

"only if you want to. you work so hard, remus. you've spent nearly the whole week in the library. i figured...let's have some fun! james and peter can come, too, if you don't want it to just be us two. whatever you want."

remus is giggling. "let's do it. let's absolutely do it."

- - -

"merlin's beard, remus," sirius laughs, looping an arm over remus' shoulders. "you are a lightweight. you've had, like, three butterbeers! how are you this drunk?"

remus giggles, stumbling over his own feet. "'m not drunk!" he protests, and then hiccups. "not drunk! just happy, shiriush."

"shiriush?" sirius asks, and then starts to laugh. "oh my god! you're so cute!"

"no," remus argues. then he starts to pull on sirius' arm. "sirius, gotta lay down. i gotta lay down for a second."

"remus, you're not laying down on the ground. baby, no. remus -- aaaaand you're laying down. okay," he sighs as remus is full out laying on the ground on his stomach. "sweetheart...why are you like this?" he asks, but he can't help but chuckle at him.

"sleepy," remus says by way of explanation.

"wouldn't you rather sleep in a bed, cutie pie?" remus just grunts in response, which makes sirius laugh. "alright, come on, babe. i'll carry you back in." he lifts remus into his arms, and he has to stop walking and shut his eyes because remus starts affectionately patting his face.


"yeah, angel?"

"i might be a lil bit drunk."

sirius shakes his head fondly. "i know you are. do you feel okay?"

"i feel good. you're really cute," remus adds for no reason, starting to play with a strand of hair that fell out of sirius' messy bun. "really cute!"

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