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"so, um, what do you wanna do first?" sirius asks remus as they arrive at hogsmeade. sirius is so fucking nervous. remus looks so fucking cute in his slightly oversized sweater, and all sirius can think is that he hopes he doesn't look like a giant fucking dork in his leather jacket and tight-ass jeans. 

remus scrunches up his face, thinking, nose pink from cold. "i could go for a butterbeer," he suggests.

sirius grins. "sounds good, let's do it." they make their way to the three broomsticks in a silence that is surprisingly comfortable. just before remus opens the door, sirius calls his name.

"what?" he asks, turning, and then all he can do is stare at sirius with wide eyes after sirius throws a snowball that hits him, smack-dab in the middle of the chest.

"gotcha," sirius grins, wiggling his eyebrows. remus isn't sure why it makes him blush.

"you did not just do that."

sirius stuffs his icy hands back in his pockets. "i think i did, sweetheart."

remus is annoyed that his blushing definitely intensified from the pet name. "you don't wanna do this, black."

"oh, i definitely do, lupin." sirius' grin has quirked up into a smirk. remus wants to kiss it off his face, and is surprised at himself for thinking so. then he's on his hands and knees, scrambling to make a snowball faster than sirius. he can't help but laugh as his first throw goes a bit wide, and sirius' next one hits him in the shoulder.

"no fair!"

"it's not my fault you can't aim!" sirius shouts back, and dissolves into laughter when remus' next snowball gets dangerously close to his crotch. "hey! no dick shots! low blow, lupin!"

"you never said anything was off-limits!" remus shouts back, but by this point, he's laughing way too fucking hard to even roll another snowball. when he manages to open his eyes, laying back in the snow, sirius is standing above him, smiling fondly. "what?" remus asks.

"you're...." he hesitates, as if he doesn't know if it's okay to say what he wants to. "you're the most adorable thing i've ever laid eyes on. so much so that i barely know what to do with myself." his voice is the softest thing remus has ever heard, and he's grateful for the cold so that it's less obvious that he's blushing.

"well, you're not so bad yourself," remus responds, taking sirius' hand when he offers it, letting him pull him out of the snow. "agh! there's snow in my shirt!" he squirms away from the unpleasant cold, glaring at sirius when he laughs. "that's your fault!"

"i dunno, you seemed pretty into the snowball fight to me," sirius chuckles as he opens the door to the three broomsticks, letting remus go inside before him.

"butterbeer sounds so good," remus smiles, and sirius genuinely has to clench his fist to keep himself from leaning in and kissing the end of remus' nose.

"you find somewhere to sit, yeah? i'll get our butterbeer," sirius smiles back, and remus' stupidly adorable face lights up, and he bounds off to find a table. "two butterbeers, please," he says once he's finally up in line, and minutes later he's wading through the unnecessarily busy three broomsticks until he finds remus, staring happily out the window at the snow.

sirius settles into the booth, smiling when remus looks over. "hey, no," he says quickly, pulling the butterbeer out of remus' grasp. "you have to answer some questions first."

"some questions?" remus responds, but he's smiling a little.

"yes, some questions. you have to earn the butterbeer."

"didn't i earn it by making you cupcakes?"

sirius hesitates. "no. you earned a trip to hogsmeade for that."

remus laughs. "fair enough. i'll trade three questions for a mug of butterbeer."

"okay, deal." sirius pauses, thinking. "is this a date?"

the question startles remus, and he immediately blushes. "really!? you're diving straight in with that one!?"

"yep, i definitely am. see...this feels like a date to me. i wore jeans that make my ass look good for this, and you definitely have been checking me out, so...yes or no?"

remus covers his face with his hands. "i was not checking you out!"

"you didn't deny that my ass looks good," sirius points out, and remus can't really argue with that, so he answers the question instead. 

"yes, this is a date," remus answers, face still covered. "i mean, if you want it to be."

"i definitely want it to be," sirius nods. he takes a sip of butterbeer. "do i make you nervous?"

"...no," remus lies.

sirius sighs, shaking his head disappointedly. "lying to me earns me another question."

remus uncovers his face, indignant. "how is that fair!?"

"it's definitely fair! what's the point in me asking questions if you're just gonna lie to me?"

remus scowls. "what's the point of asking a question if you already know the answer!?"

sirius grins. "so i do make you nervous, and you think i have a great ass. wow, this is great. okay, two questions left." he pauses, thinking, drumming his fingers against the table. "what do you think of james potter?"

remus' eyebrows shoot up. "james potter? what's he got to do with anything?"

"he's my best friend. we're sort of a package deal, so if we're gonna be...you know, hanging out, i gotta make sure you're cool with my best friend."

remus shrugs. "i have no issues with him. i haven't talked to him really since you offered to tutor me, but he seems nice."

sirius nods. "okay, last question. how does kissing at the end of a first date feel to you?"

"you want to kiss me?" remus asks, surprised.

"hey, i'm asking the questions here!" sirius interrupts, but now he's blushing.

"ask me in the moment," remus answers. "i haven't decided if i like you that much yet."

"that's another lie," sirius responds, grinning into his mug. "another question for me."

"oh, come on, sirius! just give me the mug!" remus pouts.

"i will...after this question." sirius sits back and crosses his legs. remus doesn't like that it's attractive. he doesn't like that sirius is attractive, with his dumb stupid soft beautiful hair in a dumb stupid bun. what the hell. "what's your favorite color?"

"so simple," remus says, surprised. "um, i don't really have one. grey, i guess."

"grey?" sirius responds, face disgusted. he passes the mug over. "i can't believe out of all the colors, you choose grey."

"well, what's yours?" remus asks, happily sipping his butterbeer.

"right now? green," sirius replies, too quickly.


"i'll answer that when you decide if i can kiss you," sirius grins, and remus supposes he can't really argue with that.

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