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"james, have you met my boyfriend?" sirius asks, plopping himself beside his friend at the gryffindor table the next morning. he looks like he hasn't slept a wink, complete with the dark circles around his eyes and the fact that he's still in pj pants, but he has a full smile on his face and seems delighted.

"you mean remus?" james asks, mouth full of coffee.

sirius stares at him. "yeah. he's my boyfriend."

"okay." james drinks more coffee.

sirius scoffs disgustedly. "seriously, potter? i give you the greatest news of the century and you say, 'okay.'? do you even love me, james? do i even matter to you?"

"i'm way too tired to deal with –"

"IF YOU DON'T LOVE ME JUST SAY SO!" sirius shouts over him. people at the hufflepuff table look over questioningly, but no one else at the gryffindor table does, already used to sirius' shit. 

"why are you being like this?"

"you're not nearly as excited as you should be," sirius frowns, then he stares at james' face. "is something wrong?"

"no, i'm fine." james stirs at his coffee. "seriously, i'm good."

"don't lie to me."

james shakes his head. "i'm not lying, man. i'm a little tired, but i'm fine."

"james." sirius elbows james' mug out of the way so he can grab his best friend's face. "i would kill and die for you. you know that, right?"

"i know," james says back, words a little muffled from the way sirius is holding his face.

"please tell me what's wrong."

james sighs. "you never know when to shut up, do you?"

"no, never."

"it's just lily. she's acting strange, and i...can't figure out why. i'm sorry. i really am happy for you and remus, pads. you know i am, right?"

"want me to talk to her?"

"what? no,"  james responds quickly, but sirius is already scanning the table for the redhead. "sirius, please don't."

"why not?"

"because you're dramatic as fuck, and i don't want you to do anything rash just because you're worried about me."

"first of all, i do rash things even when i'm not worried about you," sirius points out. "secondly, lily loves me."

james shakes his head. "it'll be fine, sirius. i just need to figure out how to talk to her."

"james, i will fix this for you if it's the last thing i do."

"i am literally begging you not to," james replies.

"don't worry. i'll fix it."

- - -

"okay, what did you do?" james demands a few hours later. "also, what the fuck are you doing?"

"i have no idea what you're talking about in regards to either question," answers sirius, who is doing a handstand against the wall for no apparent reason.

"he said that he can do a handstand for an hour without getting tired and i doubted him," remus explains.

"how long has it been?" sirius asks, red-faced.

remus glances at his watch. "forty-seven seconds."


"sirius, what did you fucking do about lily?" james asks again, shaking his head from the fucking weirdness of his roommate and his boyfriend.

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