The Flirt

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I lay my head down on my desk to get some well deserved sleep. Or at least I try to.

I was just about to fall asleep when I hear multiple high pitched squeals break out across the room.

I jolt my head up, to see what the commotion was all about, and my eyes dart to the open classroom door.

He must have been the reason there was a frenzy. He looks familiar.

Oh yeah. He's the second in command, brown hair. I think his name is... Jin?

He gives a polite hello to the teacher and she greets him back.

I look around the room, looking for all the available seats, hoping that there's not one anywhere around me.

Ha! There's one in the very back corner away from me! I silently cheer for myself.

"You can sit in front of Holly."

Wait, what?

I look up and I notice the empty desk ahead of me. Idiot. How could you look everywhere else but directly in front of you?

I wave my hand, nonetheless, to let him know where I'm at.

A cute smile comes to his face as he walks over to his new desk.

Wait. Cute smile? Now I know I'm sleep deprived.

"I'm Jin." He says as he sits in from of me.

I try my best to give him a small smile. "Holly."

"Say, Holly, what do you think of my face?"

I look at him dumbfounded. "I'm sorry, what?"

"What do you think of my face?"

I take a good look at him. From just the close proximity, I can feel my face begin to heat up. Its the first time I've probably been this close to a guy.

His face looked beautiful, God-like. He had soft brown eyes, which from a distance, seemed black. His lips were curled into a slight smile and the way his hair fell just onto his eyebrows was manly, yet adorable.

"You look good, I guess." I mumble as I look down, trying to hide the light blush that was dusting my cheeks.

"Good?" He puts a hand on his chest, feigning hurt. "That's all I get? Good? What about you? What do you think?"

He turns to face Andy. I completely forgot that she was there. She has a deer in the headlights look, and he leans in closer to her.

"H-handsome. Very handsome." She squeaks out.

That answer seems to satisfy him, and he leans back in his chair. "I knew it."

Wow, arrogant much?

Hearing that he was handsome seemed to shut him up. I lay my head back on the desk, praying that I can get some sleep.

As I close my eyes, I think of how odd it was that he came to sit next to me, even though he was directed to. He smiled at me, even based on how horrible I look today. I guess he was sweet in that sense. I don't know, maybe he's different from the other guys...

"Hey Holly," I feel a tap on my shoulder. I look up, and his face is dangerously close to mine. We pause for a second, just looking at each other, when we suddenly pull back.

I clear my throat, hoping that my face isn't as red as it feels.

"Who's that girl over there?" He asks. I look to where he's pointing. He's pointing at....

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