The Young pt.2

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All throughout the day, I've been feeling anxious for my arcade game day with Jungkook.

We agreed that I would meet him after school at the arcade.

On the way there, I texted my mom telling her the details. She replied casually with 'okay have fun!'

I round the corner of the arcade and see Jungkook waiting outside for me.

"Hey!" He says when he sees me.

"Hi!" I reply.

We both walk in at the same time, him going in the left door and me the right. My eyes grew big when I saw what was inside.

Kids of all ages were running around, happy and joyful. What really caught my eye was that the ceiling didn't have regular florescent lights, instead it had black lights. All the neon colors on the machines stood out brightly, even though it was dark in the building.

"This is so cool!" We say simultaneously.

The coin giver had neon stripes on her cheeks, probably from a bright paint.

"Give us twenty bucks worth of coins."

I look over at him. Twenty?! Isn't that a lot of money?

"Do we really need that many coins?" I ask him.

He nods. "We're going to play everything."

The coin lady does as she's told and gives us twenty coins to use to play games.

"Let's go!" He grabs my arm and drags me off to the first game he wants to play.

I'm sure that this game is what you call Skee-ball. Turns out I'm really good at it, who would figure?

The next game we play is air hockey. He beats me at that one. We take our turn at racing games, neither of us being too good at those. I swear that those are rigged.

There's also shooting games. Based on my experience with Call of Duty and The Last of Us, I was pretty good at those games.

We walk over to a sunglasses stand and each try on a couple of pairs. I laugh when he puts on a pair that look like pineapples. I take a pair that look like cherries and put them on.

"We match!" He says. "Here, let's take a photo!" He pulls me to his side and smiles, taking out his phone to get a selfie.

I flash a peace sign and smile brightly. I'm having so much fun! This day has been really fun!

We both take off our glasses and look at the photos.

We look like a couple.

"Wow! We look so good together!" He says. "What's your number? I'll send these to you!"

I tell him, and he sends them to me.

His eyes go bigger now than anything I've ever seen. He's looking at something behind me intensely.

"What is it?" I ask, turning around.

Uh oh. The one game I wanted to avoid. The dancing game. 

"Come on!" He grabs my hand and pulls me over to it. It's a two player, so I get on one side and he gets on the other.

"Jungkook, I'm not good at this, I don't dance." I say nervously.

"You'll be fine! Come on!" He takes off his backpack, and rolls up his shirt sleeves. Jeeze, he's serious.

"Uh...okay..." I say and take off my backpack slowly. I sit it over to the side, out of the way.

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