The Tired pt.2

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After coming to the conclusion that I do indeed like Yoongi, I feel even more anxious to see him today.

It really makes me nervous when I realize that he's standing at my locker, waiting on me.

"H-hi." I stutter out. Oh jeeze, cue the stuttering.

"Hey." He says, smiling.

I open my locker to get some books, and he starts talking.

"So, are you going to be busy this Friday night?"

Is he asking me on a date?!

"Yes. I think- I think I am. Why?" I look over at him.

"I have a talent." He blurts.

A talent? I arch an eyebrow.

"I can rap." He says.

Oh yeah! He's one of the rappers along with Namjoon and Hoseok...

"Me and two of the guys always go out on Friday nights and have rap battles," He smirks at me. "We usually win."

I smile. "That must mean you guys are  pretty good."

"We can out rap anyone. Oh that reminds me, do you want to go with me Friday and watch us?"

I smile. "Yes! I would love that! It sounds fun!"

He smiles back, this time showing his teeth. He looks so cute.

"Great! I'll pick you up at eight!" He says as he turns and walks off.

Doesn't this count as a date? Am I going on a date with Yoongi?

I smile and do a small fist pump in the air. Yes!

The rest of the week seems to drag exceedingly slow.

I feel tired all during the week, but once it's 7:30 Friday night, I'm full of energy.

I'm probably bouncing off the walls, and my mom keeps looking at me in the corner of her eyes.

"Are you okay?" She asks me. "You're going on a date, and I'm happy for you, but you should try to calm down."

"Okay." I nod. "I'm calm."

Suddenly the doorbell rings.

"He's here!" I whisper to her.

"Well, open the door!" She says.

"Okay!" I walk over to the door handle and grasp it, shakingly.

"Hi." I say as I open it and see him.

He's wearing a dark jean jacket with ripped skinny jeans and black converse.

He looks good.

"Hey." He says, smiling. "You ready?"

I nod.

He looks behind me to my mom. "I won't keep her out late." He smiles at her.

"Okay. Have fun!" She says.

She closes the door after we say our goodbyes.

"So, where is this place at?" I ask stuffing my hands inside my hoodie pocket.

"Its actually not far." He says. "We can walk it."

"That's good." I say.

A awkward silence falls over us. I clear my throat.

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