The Flirt pt.2

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It's only during lunch the next day that Jin finally talks to me again.

I see him rushing over to my booth. When he gets up to me, he starts talking.

"I'm here to explain that I'm not going out with her."

Well that was sudden.

My anger from yesterday builds up, and I snap at him.

"Why are you telling me?" I look up at him.

He has a shocked expression. "I- I don't know..." He trails off.

"You know what? I think you and her are perfect for each other."

My own words both shock and hurt me.

"Just go to her." I say as I get up and push past him.

I can hear him behind me. "Fine!"

From that moment forward, we were sworn enemies. I could physically feel a wall grow between us as I walked out of the cafeteria doors, away from him.

What I thought was liking someone was actually just me hating them. I realize that now. I'll make sure not to get my emotions mixed up now.

My last class of the day is cooking. I don't mind the class, the teacher is nice, plus I get to eat food.

I walked in and seen who was sitting at my counter beside my chair.

You have got to be kidding me.

"Why are you sitting there?" I ask, venom lacing my voice.

He props his head on his hand. "Because this is where I got assigned. Is that a problem?"

I grit my teeth. "Not at all." I say sitting down next to him.

I lay my backpack in the floor. It couldn't be helped if she assigned him the seat. I just hope he doesn't bother me.

The objective of today's lesson was to make spaghetti that satisfies the teacher's taste.

Working together with Jin was horrible. He had to act like he knew everything. He also had to cut every onion. Maybe I wanted to cut one of them. Huh? Ever think about that?

I threw in the last of the spice and he tastes it.

"This tastes like garbage." He looks at me. "Its probably because you helped me."

I swear, I came about 2.5 seconds away from picking up the knife and stabbing him with it.

"What, you think you could do it better?"

He leans in closer. "Yes, I do."

I swallow from the close distance.

"Yeah, I bet." I say as I back up away from him.

Our spaghetti ended up being the one the teacher picked as the best.

I knew it didn't taste like garbage. He has no idea what he's talking about.


My schedule changes around, and today I have gym as a first block.

I look around for Jin. He's no where to be found.

Finally! I get a break! A class without him!

Because our gym coach, Mr. Pittman, hates us, he forces us to play basketball.

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