The Young

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After my much needed nap in first block, I'm off to my second block.

I decide to make a quick pit stop at my locker though, before I head off.

I open it up and it looks like a war zone. Books everywhere, not to mention papers strewn about.

All I need is my history book. That's all I need.

It's unfortunately wedged between my Environmental Science book and my Chemistry book. I struggle trying to get it to come out. I move it back and forth, but nothing.

Finally, when I think I'm making some progress, I feel a tap on my shoulder.

"Excuse me?"

"WHAT?!" I spin around and snap at the person who just interrupted my battle with my book.

A guy is standing next to me, a folded up schedule in his hand.

Oh my gosh, he's one of the transfers. Uh, black hair. He's doesn't look like Yoongi, maybe he's Jungkook? The youngest one.

"Sorry!" I say to him. I don't want him thinking I'm a jerk on his first day here. "I thought you were someone else! I didn't mean to snap at you!"

He laughs a cute laugh. "Its okay! I get like that sometimes, too!"

I give the book in my locker a hard yank and it comes out. Finally. Thank God.

"So what did you need?" I ask, slinging my backpack over my shoulder and closing my locker door.

"Oh," He says unfolding his schedule. "I'm looking for Mr. Bryde's class."

"Okay. You can just follow me then." I tell him and begin walking to Mr. Bryde's class.

"Wait," He grabs my arm. "Won't you be late to your class if you walk me to mine?"

I shake my head. "Not at all. I have Mr. Bryde next, too!"

He let's go of my arm. "Really? That's good. Then at least I have someone I know in there!"

I nod. "Yep! My name's Holly." I tell him.

"Mine's Jungkook." He replies, smiling at me.

I knew it was Jungkook. He does look like the youngest.

"Let me see the rest of your schedule." I ask him.

He hands it to me. "Here you go."

I look it over. "Okay, Mrs. Mitchell's class is down that hall." I point.

He looks and nods.

"Uhm... oh, and Mrs. Wickham's room in in this hallway, but it's the opposite way. I actually just came from there. Her class is pretty easy."

I notice how he doesn't have a last block class.

"You're like me, I don't have a last block either! I get out early, too."

"You do? That's cool! We should hang sometime!"

I smile at the thought of a guy wanting to hang out with me.

He's so sweet. I hope we become good friends.

"Yeah. I think we should hang out, too." I grin at him.

We make it to Mr. Bryde's class with plenty of time to spare. I go take my seat, and Jungkook goes to ask Mr. Bryde where he can sit.

He looks around the room, and points to the one beside me. "You can sit next to Holly, there." Jungkook starts to walk towards me, but Mr. Bryde stops him.

The 7 Transfers (Bangtan Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now