Save Me

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It's a beautiful day on the island, Anch-to, until a command ship from the First Order crashes right in front of me and Luke. I stay still, shocked. I look over to Luke, who looks as shocked as I am. "What do we do?"

"I don't know."

We stay where we are and wait for something to come out or just anything to happen.

About two minutes after staring at the ship, we see a man come out, then another, then another and then five more. I don't recognize any of them except the last one. Kylo Ren.

"The Knights of Ren... " Luke mumbles to himself. I can tell he wants to run but it's too late. They see him. There's no running away now. My heart starts to beat faster and faster as time passes. I haven't trained a lot, so I don't really know anything. The only fight I've been in was with Kylo, but he was injured and distracted. This time he's probably more powerful and more concentrated.

They start walking towards us. Luke and I grab out lightsabers from our belts and ignite them. I get in position hoping that won't fall.

They all come charging at us all at once. Six of them attack. One of them is hesitant, Kylo Ren. I become distracted by it and one of the knights push me back and my lightsaber falls out of my hand as I hit the ground. I'm about to grab my lightsaber with the force when I see the Knight almost stab me but a blue lightsaber goes right through him. He falls next to me and Luke is standing there staring at the Knight laying on the ground. I look around me and I didnt notice, but half of the Knights are dead.

I get up from the ground and pull my lightsaber into my hand and ignite it, ready to fight again. I attack one of the Knights. He looks familiar. I don't know where I would have seen him though. I strike him across the stomach and he falls to the ground instantly. I look at Luke, he has already killed the other two and now he's fighting Kylo. I don't know what to do in this situation so I just stand here, waching the fight.

After a while, Kylo starts to gain control on Luke. He strikes Luke in the leg causing Luke to go on his knees. This is where I intervene.

Kylo is about to strike down on Luke, but right when he's about to hit Luke, his lightsaber hits mine instead. He gets caught of guard for a second which gives me a chance to get him away from Luke. I keep striking at him til we're almost hanging off the cliff. Just like we were in the forest on Star Killer Base. Only just switched. If I just push a little harder...

He falls off the cliff. As he falls, he looks at me while reaching his hand for me. At that moment, I regret what I did. I start to walk towards Luke, but I stop. I look back and hesitate. I look at the ground and sigh. Then I did something I never thought I would. I start running towards the cliff and jump right off it. I dive into the water. I look all around me for Kylo. Then I finally see his long black hair flowing in the water. He's not even trying to go to the surface. He opens his eyes and looks at me. He reaches for me and looks at me as if I'm the only thing that matters to him. I swim to him as fast as I can. As I get closer I start to reach my hand as well. I take his hand, pull him towards me and wrap my arms around him and pull him up to the surface. I swim to the beach. Thank God it wasn't that far away. I drag him onto the sand and he starts coughing. Now I don't know what to do. I have my biggest enemy right in front of me that I just saved from drowning and I have no idea why. He finally stops coughing and stares at me in disbelief. If I was him, I would be too. He doesn't say anything for a while until I look away from him. "Why?" I look back at him. "What?"

"You just saved me, when you're supposed to kill me."

"I don't know." I say so quietly, I'm surprised he even heard me. He gets up and starts to walk away. I get up and grab his hand to face me. "Where do you think you are going?"

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