Interview - Part 2

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"What was your first thought when you read the note?" Alison questioned.

"Honestly, my first thought was 'what the hell'." It was actually 'fuck' but I couldn't swear on daytime television. 

"What was the colour of the note?" I almost laughed at how stupid her question was. Why in the world would she ask that? What did it have to do with anything?

"Um white, why?"

"Just want to paint the scene for the audience." I swear she's crazy. Did she want me to get up and reenact everything as well?

"Were you afraid when you read the note?"

"I was more disturbed than afraid."

"So the note obviously wasn't a parking ticket like you expected. What did it say?" Alison asked in a tone which surely was supposed to sound soothing but to me was just annoying.

"The words were simple but the feeling I had in my guts wasn't comforting at all." I replied. As I glanced out at the small audience I could see them eagerly waiting to hear what had been written in the note. Even Alison was at the edge of her seat. Just as I was about to let the world now what the note said I noticed on the teleprompter it had read "Cut to commercial".

"Find out what the note said after this quick commercial break!" Alison cheerfully said while looking straight at the camera. The audience groaned after they had cut and once again the crew members were running around. Someone was refilling my mug with water. Someone was retouching my makeup.  And I saw someone come and pull Alison away saying that she was needed at the back, which peaked my curiosity. 

But before I could question what was going on Kelly was by my side pestering me about what I had said during the first bit of the interview.

"What did I tell you about going after the media? We agreed that you would keep your answers short and simple, no ranting." She said in her 'I don't approve' tone. I just rolled my eyes at her.

"You wanted me to come here and say the truth and I did. That is the truth." I snapped at her whilst grabbing my phone of the table beside me. Well I technically did tell the truth but I had omitted certain things, like the gun I had in my car. No one knew about it except Chris and Kelly. But the point was I wasn't going to be silent about the way the media treated me after everything I had gone through.

"Miah don't use that tone with me, I am saying this because I want what is best for you." I felt bad after she said that, I know she cares for me but I was just sick and tired being treated like I wasn't human.

"I'm sorry, I just didn't think it was going to be this bad."

"What do you mean?"

"I'm spilling my life to millions around the world and I am scared." I hated to admit it but I was.

"Oh honey!" She said reaching for my hand. "It's all over and you are okay."

I was okay but I lost so much and I don't think I could handle losing anymore.

"You are okay." She repeated once again.

"You're right. I am." I agree, flashing her a smile. "So do you have any idea what was so important that they pulled Alison away?" 

Without out a second thought she responded "It's just about an upset employee."

Before I could say anything else she began to ramble on about other things I should do and say during the interview and I just nodded, taking in what she was saying. After she was done she wished me luck once again and returned backstage.

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