October 18, 2016 - 6:30am to 1pm

46 14 53

I shot out of bed as I heard something hit the floor and shatter, followed with a deep voice screaming "Shit!". I frantically looked around my room but there was no one there. But then I heard something else fall and realized it was coming from the living room. There was someone in my apartment and I had no idea who it was. As I glanced at the clock I saw that it was only 6:30am. Who the hell breaks into someones apartment that early. I grabbed my phone off the night table and sent a quick text to Paul telling him someone was in my apartment.

I then quickly went to my closet and grabbed my bat. I caught a glimpse of myself as I walked by the mirror to the door and I looked like crap. If my bat didn't scare them away then my face sure would.

I quietly opened the door and stepped out. As I walked down the corridor to the living room I could hear two voices frantically whispering. If there were two people I was seriously screwed. Paul better hurry up. As I got closer the two voices stopped and I could hear them moving something. I took a deep breath and charged forward screaming "GET THE HELL OUT!"

Before I could even raise my bat and swing I heard a familiar voice.

"MIAH! Its me don't!" He said turning around causing me to drop my bat.

"Chris what the hell are you doing here?!" I screeched at him and put a hand over my racing heart.

"I came to surprise you." He responded sheepishly. That's when I noticed the roses on the table and the petals spread out on the sofa and the floor. And the shattered vase on the floor.

I forgot about the second person until I heard her voice.

"I told him to be careful to not wake you up but he's clumsier than a clown on stills." Avery said accusingly. I don't even want to know where she got that comparison from. I stopped questioning the weird things she says long ago.

"Hey! You were rushing me!" Chris tried defending himself by trying to push the blame on Avery.

"I thought you were busy all week, is this why you've been ignoring my calls and texts?"I questioned changing the subject from whose fault it was. He just nodded with a stupid smile on his stupidly cute face.

"Asshole!" I exclaimed as I smacked his arm. "I was so worried!".

"Come here and give me a hug." I quickly obliged as I wrapped my arms around his shoulders. He pulled me close as I put my head on his chest.

"Well I am going to be going but don't forget your meeting is at 10!" Avery said as she walked out of my apartment. I heard the door softly click as she left.

"Oh gosh how I've missed you!" He whispered into my ear.

"Me too." I responded looking up to face him. He gave me a quick peck on the lips before releasing me from our hug and grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the sofa.

"I was going to wake you up with breakfast and flowers I really did not mean to scare you half to death."

"That's okay, I am just glad you're here!"

We sat catching up and enjoyed the breakfast he brought for us. It consisted of delicious coffee and bagels from the best place in the world. Tim Hortons. He apparently had some work to do in Toronto so he flew out early to spend sometime together before going to New York for my brothers concert. We sat cuddling on the couch and before we knew it, it was 8:45 and I had to get ready for my meeting. It had to do with the book I was working on.

I left Chris lounging as I took a quick shower and changed into the outfit Avery had laid out for me the night before. It consisted of white dress pants, a white tank and a white blazer. I dried my hair and left it in its natural wavy state. I did my makeup very natural so I could go for that professional look.

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