October 17, 2016 - 5:30 am to 7am

77 22 47

I groaned as I heard my annoying alarm clock going off. I rolled over to grab my phone off my nightstand and opened one of my eyes to check the time and saw that it was five thirty in the morning. I had an early morning shoot but I seriously did not want to get up. I reluctantly dragged myself out of bed and hopped into the shower. I was up until three am the night before for a late night shoot so I was currently running on two hours of sleep. This was normal though. 

Ever since I got my own TV show this was how my days were when we were shooting a season. And as much as it was tiring, I loved it and was so grateful for being able to do what I truly loved. 

I threw on a pair of sweatpants and a tank top after getting out of the shower and started to make myself breakfast. I put the coffee on to brew and while I waited I went to grab my phone. I decided to give my brother a call since it had been almost two weeks since I had spoken to him. I was so busy with filming my show and he was busy touring it was hard for us to find time to talk. I knew he would be awake because he usually wakes up for a run at this time. Why he did that I will never understand but he says he enjoys it. After thirty seconds the call connected and my twin brothers face popped on the screen.

"Miah!" my brother exclaimed in his deep voice and I winced, it was too early for anyone to be this cheerful.

"Meo!" I answered in a tired voice. He chuckled knowing how much I hated mornings.

"How's Toronto been treating you?" Meo asked me. The show was filmed in Toronto so when I wasn't in New York or L.A. I was in Toronto.

"Same as always, how's the tour been going? You only have two shows left!" His last two shows of the tour were set to be in New York City. He had one tomorrow and the final one on Saturday.

"Yeah, yeah it's so great. You're coming for sure on Saturday?" sounding hopeful. I had my phone perched up on the counter as I filled my mug with coffee.

"Of course I'm coming! I'm going to be flying out in the morning with Chris" I could only be there for one day. The producers were set on finishing filming by the mid-November and we were already behind because my co-star Brad had gotten really sick during filming so everyone was on a tight schedule.

"So you're coming only for the day?" He asked genuinely upset. "I was hoping we could hang out." he said making a silly face at me through the screen.

"I know but we have the whole day together, I won't be leaving your side. And anyways I have a couple more weeks of filming left and then we're off to Cuba!" I reply taking a sip from my delicious coffee.

We had planned a one week trip to Cuba and all of our friends were going. It was to celebrate the end of Meos tour and the filming of my second season.

"I know, just would have been nice to see you for more than a couple hours. Anyways what are you doing up so early?" he questioned, changing the subject.

"I have an early shoot today." I say taking another sip from my coffee.

"What time do you start?"

"I have to be on set at seven fifteen" I respond with a groan. I loved my job but these early mornings and late nights were killing me.

"Sounds like fun!" he said chuckling at me.

"So what are you up to today? Anything special planned for the night before your second last concert?" 

"Since i'm in the city I was planning to drive out and visit dad."

Our dad was a touchy subject, Meo had a better relationship with him than I did. Well he actually had one, my relationship with my dad was non-existent. I think it's because my brother was able to forgive easily and just a tiny bit braver than me.

"You should really go see him soon. He keeps asking about you whenever we talk." 

"I know, I've just been busy." It was always the same response. I busied myself by putting my bagel in the toaster as he continued to speak.

"You say that all the time, he really wants to have a relationship with you. He has a little less than a year left before he gets out and he wants to be able to know that you will be there once he's out. He's really trying Miah. Just give him a chance, if not for him at least for me. He loves you Miah." My dad was locked away in Rikers serving a lengthy sentence and I didn't like to visit him, he abandoned us and left us with my wretched mother. He never thought of his children when he decided to almost murder a man. 

"You know how busy I am Meo, filming my show and working on my book, and I have that movie deal coming up in a couple months."

"I know Miah, I just don't want you to regret not trying to have a relationship with him. He's changed a lot."

I was putting cheese on my bagel and I was getting annoyed of the conversation. He always did this. I glanced at the clock above my sofa and read six thirty and I realized it was time for me to head out. 

"And I believe you, I do, but listen Meo I have to go. I will see you on Saturday" I responded whilst shoving my bagel in my mouth.

"This isn't over Miah, we will talk about this later. Take care."

"Take care" I mumbled through my stuffed mouth. I ended the call, grabbed my keys and wallet and headed out. I knew my brother was upset with me but I really didn't care at the moment. He didn't understand how I felt.

I headed out of the apartment I was renting through out my duration here in Toronto and got into my car. It was only a fifteen minute ride to the set but sometimes it took less depending on traffic. It wasn't too busy since it was early in the morning, it usually gets busy around seven thirty. I turned on the radio and flipped it over to the news channel. 

As I rounded the corner off the street I was staying on I noticed a black car start up and start driving behind following from a small distance. I was a paranoid person especially with the way I grew up, I was wary of everything. As I continued driving I noticed it following me and I got a strange feeling in the pit of my stomach. I decided to check and see if the car was really following me. I took a couple of turns and strayed off my path from going to work and went down a secluded street and parked on the side. The black car behind me did the same but parked a couple of cars behind me.

I reached over to the glove compartment and opened it to grab my gun. My brother always warned me to keep one with me, ever since we were young. I slipped it the waistband of my sweatpants and let my leather jacket fall on top of it to conceal it. I left my car running, opened the door and stepped out. I started to slowly make my way to the black car, my hand ready to grab my gun if need be, I couldn't see inside the car due to the tinted windows but as I neared the black car it started up again and immediately reversed and sped off. It had no license plate so I there was no way to identify it.

I quickly turned around and got into my car and immediately locked all the doors. I returned my gun back to its place and pulled out my phone. I sent a text to Paul who was the head of my security team, asking him where he was. I put my phone into the cup holder and sat in my seat for a little bit trying to calm my racing heart. 

//Who do you think was following her????

I cut this chapter in half and put it into two because it was way too long.

Hope you enjoy!!


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