October 19, 2016 2pm - 4pm

25 4 35

This chapter is more of a filler chapter either way enjoy!

"I'm fine Meo, there is no need for you to come out here." I was currently on the phone arguing with my brother.

"You are not fine. I know that there is something wrong." He wanted to fly out to stay with me until his concert. It was completely ridiculous.

"What would even give you the idea that something is wrong. If it's about the article that came out yesterday, I already told you what happened. Ask Chris if you don't believe me." I was getting angrier by the second. I did not what to spend my break between interviews arguing with my brother.

He was going on about how I shouldn't be lying to him when I heard someone clear their throat from behind me. I turned to see Avery standing there with a protein shake for me and her phone in the other hand. She mouthed to me that I was running late.

Cutting off my brother in the middle of his stupid rant I told him "I need to go, I have shit to do and so do you. There is nothing wrong. Bye." And I hung up the phone before he could even reply. I put it on mute and handed it to Avery.

"Sorry let's go." I told Avery as I grabbed the shake from her. I had one more interview to do before heading back to set. I didn't even want to think about how much I had left to do before I take off Saturday.

After everything that happened yesterday I went to set where everyone was worried about me. I had told them I was fine but they insisted that I take it easy after almost being hit by a car. I was filming until two in the morning and when I did go back to my apartment I couldn't get a wink of sleep. Even with Chris sleeping next to me. I was up all night thinking about who it could be that was following me.

Paul didn't find anything on any of the security cameras in the area. So it was a complete dead end. So I was currently running on no sleep and a whole load of caffeine.

"Miah are you sure you're okay, you don't look too good." Avery inquired as we walked to the set of 'The Cloth Talk' for my radio interview from the dressing room. She had been pestering my all day about about not looking too well.

"I'm just tired that's all. I didn't sleep well last night." I told her for the millionth time.

"Well after this interview you have an hour break before having to go back to set and film. You can catch some sleep then." I just nodded at her fully knowing that there was no way I can sleep.

I took a seat where I was instructed to and I had a mic in front of me. They placed headphones on my head and the crew ran down how it would all work before we went live. I was supposed to be on for about half an hour to discuss my show and my novel but I am pretty sure it was going to revolve around yesterdays incident just like the other two interviews I did today.

"Today we have a special guest in the house, Miah Reeves everyone!" One of the three hosts introduced me. I quickly switched into 'The Miah Reeves' and focused on just the interview.

Forty minutes and a hundred questions later the interview was done. I couldn't help but cheer a little when it was finally over. I was exhausted and talking to people about myself was not helping.

"So good news and bad news!" Avery exclaimed as I walked out of the dressing room.

I just groaned in response.

"Good news is that the producers for the 'Invisible Lady' movie are now offering you the main role instead of the side-kick role! Bad news is they want you to go in today to do a table reading and Kelly told them she can have you there."

I was happy about landing the main role but I just want to rest for five minutes without being interrupted.

"What time do I have to be there?"

Avery looked at her watch and then made a weird face. Which could only mean she was going to give me more bad news.

"We have to be there in fifteen minutes and its on the other side of the city."

"What?!" There was no way I was going to make it there in time. Not only was it far but traffic at this time in Toronto was horrendous.

"I know so lets go." She quickly started to push me out of the studio and towards my car. My security detail following me. It was really annoying to be honest, I couldn't do anything without them following me.

It took us twenty minutes to get to the location for the reading thanks to Avery's ridiculous driving. Somehow her shortcuts worked and for maybe the first time ever we didn't get lost. It was truly a miracle.

We were both rushing in, probably looking like maniacs, trying to find where we were supposed to be going. Thankfully there was someone already waiting for us at the door to escort us to the reading room. I hated being late, it not only left a horrible impression, but I also felt bad. I quickly apologized to the casting director and the producers for the movie before grabbing a seat in front of them.

"Nice to see you again Miah!" I froze at the voice. I was so busy worrying about being late I didn't notice that there was someone else in the room. And unfortunately for me that someone else was my ex.

"Oh hi, didn't see you there." I responded in a fake voice.

He chuckled, at my response before responding "I'm reading for the male lead role".

Oh shit. This was going to be so awkward. I broke it off with Dean after two months of dating by texting him. I know, it was rude. I was busy with work and travelling that I didn't even see him to break it off to his face. The reason I broke up with him was because he was going around trying to take credit for all my hard work. So in a way he did deserve to be dumped like that. He leaked it to the media and they painted me heartless. This was a while ago so I didn't really care but having to work with him was something I definetly did not want to do.

The casting director cleared his throat to get our attention.

"Now that we have introduced ourselves lets get to reading."

And so we did, they had us read a heartfelt scene to see how our chemistry was and if it would be suitable for the movie. It was another superhero movie but in this one I was the superhero and he was the guy I save. It was really cheesy but doing this movie would open a lot of new doors for me in the movie industry.

When we were done they let me know that they will speak to my manager if I got the role. Not to toot my own horn but I am pretty sure I booked it. They seemed to be content after our reading. And even though Dean and I probably hated each others guts in real life, when we were acting we could make it seem like we were in love with each other.

Chris was going to laugh when I tell him who I might be doing a movie with. He found it hilarious the way things went down between Dean and I.

After the reading we went straight to set to get ready for a long day of filming.

I was in the middle of getting ready when Avery came into my trailer telling me that I needed to take a phone call.

"Who is it?" I asked.

"You should just take it, its important."

I took the phone and put it to my ear.


"Miah Ally Reeves! I am going to kill you!" This was the last person I wanted to be on the phone with right at this moment.

"Meo what's wrong?" He seemed so angry so I have no idea what I did this time.

"Paul told me everything." My heart dropped to my stomach the moment he said those words.

Hope yall enjoyed that, the next chapter gets more interesting so sit tight!

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