2010- New York City, New York

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     Gabriel felt as if he was falling, falling into a never ending pit. The end nor the beginning was visible. Then the light came back. It was bright and sudden and he fell on his back onto cold metal. Gabriel got up and looked around. He was standing on a platform much like the one Henry made for the time machine; the only difference was the fact that there was no columns and no platform above him. The room he appeared had boxes scattered along the walls. He stepped off and the platform started to glow a strong blue. Then, a figure fell onto the platform much like Gabriel did. The light faded and he saw that it was Will. Will cursed in Welsh, rolled over and got up. Will looked at Gabriel and Gabriel looked back.

"You might want to move or get ready to catch Jem." Gabriel stated. Will stepped to the side but stayed on the platform. The blue light came back and Will held out his arms. A shadow appeared and fell into Will's outstretched arms. A small 'oof' was heard and the light faded. "Welcome to the party." Gabriel Said. Jem looked up at Will and Will gently set Jem down on his feet. "Thanks?" Jem said and looked around. "Who are they?" Jem gestured to the two men standing in the doorway to the room.

"I thought that thing didn't work" The man with almost shoulder length blond hair stated and Will noticed that the accent was off. "It's not supposed to." The man with the really short black hair replied and the blond grabbed a seraph blade from his small weapons belt. He whispered an angel's name and the blade flared to life. "Who are you?" The blond demanded as he stepped forward.

"I am Will Herondale," Will said and pointed to himself, "This is Jem Carstairs," He pointed to Jem, "And this is Gabriel Lightworm." He pointed to Gabriel and then put his hand down. Gabriel let out an angry sigh. "Lightwood! Not worm." Gabriel corrected. 

"Easy mistake." Will shrugged, "Oh and we're from 1877 London England. Who are you and where are we?"

"I'm Jace Herondale and this is my parabatai, Alec Lightwood." He gestured towards the man with the short black hair. "And this is 2010 New York City of the United States of America." Will raised an eyebrow when Jace was finished talking. "So not only did Henry's machine work and transport s through time and transport us across an ocean but my descendant is parabatai with a Lightworm." Will said and glanced at Jem.

"Lightwood!" Gabriel corrected Will again and Will waved him off. "Will." Jem said. Will looked at Jem and sighed, "Fine."

"I'll get Izzy." Alec turned to the door and walked out, closing it behind him.

"Izzy?" Gabriel asked.

"His sister." Jace answered and continued to stand there with his seraph blade out.

"So...." Will said slowly. "How's the future?" Jem nudged Will with his elbow. "What?" Will asked. 

"You two seem close." Jace observed.

"We should, he is my parabatai." Will stated and put his arm around Jem.

"Why is your hair silver?" Jace asked and Will took his arm back and looked at Jem.

"Long story." Jem replied. Alec came back with a female with long black hair pulled back into a high pony tail and Will noticed the necklace she was wearing, for it was the same one he is wearing, he also noticed that she was wearing black pants, like Alec's,  and a tight black shirt with narrow sleeves. He's never seen someone, much less a woman, wear something like that. Then he noticed that two other women were standing at the doorway, they must have followed the Lightwoods of this time period.

     The slightly taller one has short blond hair, freckles and is wearing black shorts with a red and black plaid shirt that was open so you can see the black shirt underneath. The slightly shorter one has longer silver hair that goes just passed her shoulders. She wore a black sweatshirt with tight black pants. They were both wearing low black shoes that resembled sneakers and a pair of black glasses with thicker frames.

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