(Percy's POV) Coward

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"Hey Amb."

The first thing I saw about her was the way her eyes sparkled happily.

The way the violet color I had come to love shone beautifully, the way it had when she'd looked at me.

The second thing I saw was her hand intertwined with a boy that looked like a stuck up jock.

"I see you moved on," I said, anger temporarily flooding through my veins as I saw her eyes gather fear as she stepped back.

"What are you doing here?" The boy snapped.

I smirked, loving the way his eyes narrowed as if he deemed me a threat.


"Relax pretty boy," I smirked, my eyes flickering back to Ambrosia,"I'm just here to talk."

I waited for Amb to stand up for me, to defend me and tell the pretty boy jock that she would just be a second and that she'd meet up with him later as she needed to talk to me.

Of course, she'd forget all about the jock as soon as we spoke again and we'd be back together. She'd forgive me and-

"You shouldn't be here Percy," she said quietly, her eyes never meeting mine.

"Amb..." My voice trailed off as I realized the fear in her eyes was for me, that she couldn't meet my eyes,"I'm here to talk. Remember? Like old times?"

She said nothing as she looked away, never once looking at me.

"Those are the old times," she said quietly.

She doesn't want to look into the eyes of a coward.

"Don't you think you should leave?" The jock snapped, putting his arm around her protectively as if I would hurt her.

"Amb please. Just listen to m-" I tried, panicking.

"Leave!" The jock yipped, his arm tightening around her.

I felt my anger and frustration as it built up, preparing to start a fight with the jock.

And then I stopped as I caught sight of Ambrsoia, clutching his shirt. Her beautiful eyes were squeezed shut, her head against his chest. Her chest heaved up and down as I watched pale tears run down her cheeks. She looked so fragile.

I opened my mouth to reassure her, to tell her I meant her no harm. Yet no words came out.

I sighed angrily and grabbed my helmet, glaring one last time at the jock before I slid it on, sliding fluidly onto my bike.

I listened to the engine purr as I turned it on, then revved it, quickly speeding away, leaving Ambrosia alone.

Leaving her alone in someone else's arms.

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