Sandpaw's Friend

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Sandpaw was strolling through ThunderClan's territory. She heard a tiny squeal coming from up ahead and saw a little kit all by itself. It looked just like a fox. Sandpaw looked around for its parents or siblings, but found nothing.

"Don't worry little kit, ThunderClan will take care of you. We can be friends!" She assured him. "Do you have a name?"

The kit looked up at her and tilted his head in confusion.

"No? Well, I think I'll call you," Sandpaw thought for a moment. "Foxkit! I'll call you Foxkit. Oh, I'm Sandpaw by the way."

Sandpaw took Foxkit back to camp, where everyone looked at her in surprise.

"Sandpaw, why have you brought a baby fox into our camp?" Bluestar said, her eyes wide.

"Oh, so you don't just look like a fox, you are a fox!" Sandpaw exclaimed. "Wow! ThunderClan is going to train a fox into a warrior!"

Many seasons went by and Foxkit had become a warrior, with the name of Foxwind. He has learned to speak fluent in cat, and also knew the warrior code. Dustpelt still doesn't like him though.

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