Prank Gone Wrong } Colby x Reader

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*Your P.O.V*

Ever since Corey called the 'mega prank war' I've been planning the best prank to pull on everyone in the whole house. I told everyone that we were going to Suicide Bridge to do the Ouija Board. Corey, of course, freaked out, but I was nice and told him he didn't have to touch it. He seemed pretty content with that idea.

*Time skip*

I grabbed my camera and started filming. "Hey (whatever you call your fans), (y/t/n) here with another Ouija video and today all the guys and I will be going to Suicide Bridge. So I've got the board and the guys are ready to go so we'll see you at the bridge." I turned the camera off and told the guys to wait in the car. "Don't take to long," Colby said, jokingly. I punched his arm, "Shut up Colby." 

Once they got outside I turned my camera back on. "Okay guys, tonight is prank night. As you all know, I've been pranked so hard ever since the 'mega prank war' started. Sooo, tonight I'm getting all the guys. So, I'm getting some blood capsules to scare them at the bridge." I ran up the stairs and got the capsules. "Okay, so now I'll see you guys at the bridge." I put the capsules in my pocket and turned the camera off. 

Once I got outside Elton said, "Look there she is, told you wouldn't bail." "Why would I bail? Guys, it's my video." "Oh, yeah," they all said in unison. We got in the car and drove off.

*Time skip*

We got to the bridge and I got my camera. "So we just got to the bridge and I got the board." I hand the camera to Elton. "I also have a terrified Corey Scherer," we all laughed, except Corey. "Lighten up Corey, I know Devyn isn't here to protect you but I'll try my best," Colby said. "Thanks, Colby," Corey said laughing. We walked down the path to the bridge.

*Time skip*

"Hey Corey will you set up the board?" I asked seeing how he would respond. "Yea- Wait, NO!" We all laughed as Sam set it up. "Thanks Sam." "Welcome." I turned to Elton, who had the camera, "Okay so will we play and Corey will watch out for the demon." "Yeah, I got my flashlight," Corey said shinning his flashlight. "Elton will man the camera, unless he wants to play." "It doesn't work it someone that doesn't believe in it plays it." "Okay, and Aaron, do you want to play or be on watch?" I asked Aaron. "I'll be on watch," he said turning around.  "Okay so let's get started."

I stood in between Colby and Sam, "You ready?" "As I'll ever be," Sam said putting his fingers on the planchette. "Yeah," Colby said also placing his fingers on it as well, grabbing my hand with his free one. "Okay," I placed my fingers on it ready to play. "Ouija, are you there?" we asked as we moved the planchette once in a circle, the wrong way to start it. "Are there any spirits here that would like to speak with us?" Colby asked. The planchette slowly moved to 'yes', I know that I was pushing it. We moved it to the middle, "Do you have bad intentions?" I slowly moved it to 'yes'. "Who pushed it?" "I didn't," Colby said. "I didn't either," Sam said.

We moved the planchette back to the middle, "Who will be the victim of these bad intentions?" I looked at Colby, "Why would you ask that?!" "I was curious." "Y/N, you really shouldn't have asked that," Corey said. "I get it." "Guys," Elton said. "What?" Sam asked. "It's moving." We all looked at the board. I was slowly pushed the planchette to my first initial, "It's moving to (f/i)." Then I proceeded to move it to the next two initials. "This isn't good," I said. Colby squeezed my hand, "Let's just say goodbye." "Okay," Sam said. "No we-" I fake coughed. "We need to ask-" I coughed again, letting go Colby's hand. I turned around and sneakily pulled a capsule out, popping it in my mouth. I bit down on it and coughed again into my hand. "Hey you okay?" Corey asked, coming over to me. He must have noticed the I was coughing up 'blood', because he looked up at Sam and Colby with wide eyes. 

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