Bando Mishap } Colby x Reader

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*Your P.O.V* (p.s it's summer)

I sat in my room filming a video. "So next question comes from pizzapizzazz on twitter. She asks, 'Do you like anyone in the house?'" I looked down, "Um, yeah actually. But I try not to dwell on it. Thank you for the question." I scrolled through the twitter questions. I laughed when I saw one from Sam. "This next one comes from Sam Golbach. 'Will you go on the next XPLR trip with Colby and I?'" I laughed and threw a shoe at the door, "Sam, yes I'll go with you and Colby. You just have to give me free XPLR merch." Sam burst threw the door, "DEAL! What size hoodie and shirt do you wear?" I laughed at him and gave him my sizes. He left and went to get them. "I guess he bought some for everyone in the house. But little does he know I already have some."

I answered a few more questions then did my outtro. I ran a hand through my hair and moved the footage to my computer. "Okay I'll be right back to edit you," I got up and went to the door, then turned. "Maybe."

I went to the kitchen to get a quick snack and drink. I opened the fridge and grabbed a piece of my pizza then got some water. I turned and bumped into Colby, spilling my water on us both. "Colby I'm so sorry!" I grabbed some towels to dab my shirt then his, but he wasn't wearing one. I blush a bright shade of red, "Again I'm so sorry Colby." He took the towel, "It's whatever. Just watch where you're going." I refilled my glass got my pizza and went upstairs. 

*Colby's P.O.V*

I wiped the water off my chest and set the towel down. "Colby, just tell her. It's eating you up inside which makes you hostile towards her," Jake said as he walked into the kitchen. "What are you talking about?" "You like her, we all see it. Except her. Because of the way you come across. She likes you though, maybe you should tell her so she won't try and get over you when she doesn't have to." I laughed, he was right, "Jake since when have you been a therapist?" "Not telling." He left to the garage.

I shook my head and went to my room to get ready. 

*Your P.O.V*

I got finished editing and was about to upload when a knock pulled me away. I went to my door, it was Sam. "You ready?" "Almost, let me change." "Alright, we'll be downstairs. I shut the door and wet to my closet pulling out the shirt Sam had just given me and pulling on an old pair of jeans, so if they got ripped it wouldn't matter. Then I grabbed my exploring shoes and my camera. I quickly set my video up for uploading so it was up on time.

I walked downstairs, "Okay Sam I'm ready." "Wait she's going with us?" Colby asked. Ouch, okay. That stung. "Yeah, I thought having another exploring YouTuber with us and she was my first option. Considering she lives here and I thought of this last night," Sam said. I couldn't read Colby's face. "Alright well let's go." We all walked to Colby's car and started to where we were going. 

Now that I think of it, Sam never told me where we were going. "Hey where are we going anyway?" Colby ignored me and Sam answered, "We are going to this abandon factory. It's really cool." "Is it illegal?" "Nope," Sam popped the 'p'. I laughed, "Good cause I don't want to get arrested." He scoffed, "Have we ever gotten arrested?" "No but you've gotten close." "True." I leaned back into my seat, "Wake me up when we get there." I drifted off.

*Time Skip*

Sam woke me up and we were doing the intro. "What's up guys, it's Sam and Colby. We are here at an abandon bowling ball factory," Colby said starting off the video. "You might also have noticed our special guest, Y/N!" "Hey guys!" I had my camera ready for me to do my intro. 

We walked to the entrance ad I did my intro, "Hello my Guardians. Today I am here with the Bando Bros, Sam and Colby." "Hello!" "Hey!" They waved to the camera. "We are at an abandoned bowling ball factory." I turned to where the camera faced the boys."Now could you tell us more about this place?" "Well back in the day, this factory use to make bowling balls. But they shut it down due to not getting enough business." "At least no one died," I said. "You never know though," Colby said. "True." We found a way in. Colby went in first.

Sam gave their camera to him and went through. "Sam would you be a doll and hold this for me?" "Why of course," he took my camera and I crawled through the opening. "Thank you very much." We continued to walk and look at stuff.

*Time Skip cause I don't know how to fill space sorry*

We had been walking around for a good hour or so. We had been hearing things so I was getting kinda freaked out. "So what do you guys think?" "It cool my grad-" *BANG* I jump towards Colby and grabbed onto his hoodie with my free hand. "Sorry! Sorry, that was me. I ran into something and a big piece of metal fell over. I'm sorry." "It's okay, you just scared the shit out of us," Colby said. That's when I realized I was still holding onto Colby's hoodie. I pulled away blushing, "Sorry Colby." "It's-" I didn't here what he said cause I had turn the corner, saying I was gonna go explore on my own.

*Colby's P.O.V*

I watched as Y/N turned the corner. "You really need to tell her dude, before it's too late," Sam said. "I don't know how." "Just come right out and say it. She needs to hear it from you." "Why would it matter?" "Because she likes you bro. But she thinks you don't like her. So she won't confess until you do." Everyone seemed to know this but me. "How do you know?" "She came to me upset one day and spilled." "Oh." We continued exploring, and talking about the place.

*Your P.O.V*

I had been walking around for a few minutes on the area above where the factory gear was. "Guys, look at this graffiti. Sam alway says you can tell what kinda place it is by the graffiti. This stuff is so cute and positive I doubt this place has ghosts, but if it did, they are probably Canadian." I laughed and noticed my shoe was untied. "Hold on shoe lace gone rouge." I sat the camera down and went to tie it. I heard a creaking and looked up. "Don't you dare." The wood floor under me collapsed and I fell threw, "Fuck!" I grabbed onto the floor and caught myself, feeling a pop in my left shoulder, (or which ever is your least dominant side). "Ah!" I cried out.

I had to get control of my breathing. "Okay, you're gonna be okay." I need to get the boys attention, "COLBY! SAM! I NEED HELP! COLBY!" I felt the tears of pain going down my face. "HURRY!" 

*Colby's P.O.V* (just before you fell)

Sam and I looked around for Y/N, we were ready to go and we were gonna see if she was. "Do you know where she would go?" I was starting to get worried, like really worried. "She could't have gone far, and she didn't go to the car. She texted me saying if she would't go to the car without us." "Okay so where-" I was cut of by a crashing sound followed by a loud, "Fuck!" 

Sam and I shared a look, it was Y/N. We took off towards the noise. We went faster when we heard her call for us. She was in a lot of paint. 

We got to her, she was on the deck thing and the floor collapsed. "Y/N, oh my gosh." Sam sat or camera down and helped her. Sam went for her left arm and she cried. "What what is it?" I asked, panicked. "My shoulder is dislocated." I tried to think of a way to get her up without hurting her further. There wasn't one. "Y/N, there isn't another way. Take a deep breath and look at me. Okay?" She nodded and took a deep breath, maintaining eye contact. "1..2..3!" We pulled her up and she cried out in pain. "You're okay. You're okay." 

We got here up and I pulled her to me, "You're okay." She looked up at me and her beautiful e/c met my blue one. "Colby-" I cut her off by kissing her. She tensed, I assume from shock because she soon relaxed. "Y/N, I've known you since before we started vine. I've liked you since before then, I just don't know how to express myself. And I'm sorry for that." "Stop rambling, I forgive just kiss me again." I chuckled and kissed her again. 

We were pulled apart by Sam's voice, "As much as our fans are going to love this, we need to get out of here, and get Y/N to the hospital." "He's right. But I don't think I could go through the hole again," she said as she took her camera from Sam and placed it around her neck. Sam and I shifted, "What?" "Turns out the door was unlock, something was blocking it." "Whew, at least I don't have to crawl. Did you turn my camera off?" "Yeah after I captured that kiss," Sam said. "Kay, good." 

We left and took Y/N to the hospital, then to the house. After explaining I started editing, since it was my turn. "Hey babe, can I edit with you down here?" "Of course." She came and sat on my left side. "I love you Colby," she said. I kissed her forehead, "I love you too, Y/N." We continued editing then fell asleep watching TV. Today may have had a bump in the road, but it gave me the girl of my dreams and I couldn't ask for anything better.

                                                                         The End

( a/n: I hope you guys liked that. If you have any requests, please comment them.)

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