Never Have I Ever } Elton x Reader

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*Elton's P.O.V*

I was sitting in the garage editing and I heard Y/N yell my name. "ELTON!!!" "WHAT?" "COME HERE!!!" I got up and walked to the living room were she was. "What do you want?" "Do this video with me," she said. "Why?" "Because I want you to and the viewers do too," she said whining like a kid. "Fine."

I sat down on the couch by her, "What are we doing?" "Never have I ever," she said handing me a board. "Okay." I took the board and a marker. Corey turned the camera on and Y/N started.

*Your P.O.V* 

"Hello everyone sitting on their asses and doing nothing," I said. "Hey, not everyone is doing that," Elton said. "No, they all are doing that," Corey laughed. "Okay, anyway. Today I'm here with Elton and Corey to do the 'Never Have I Ever Challenge'. Elton will be playing the game and Corey will read the statement." "Okay I'm gonna be honest, some of these are dirty," Corey said, scrolling through Twitter. "I'll put a dirty warning at the bottom of the screen about right here," I said, gesturing to the area where the warning would be. 

"So how are we gonna do this?" Elton asked. "Well, Chief, Corey will be reading the statement, and if we have done that then we write 'Have' on the board, if we haven't we write 'Have Not'," I explained. "Okay got it," he said.

"Never have I ever dyed my hair an unnatural color," Corey read. "Well fuck me then," Elton said. I laughed, and wrote down 'Have.' (if you haven't pretend you have) "Okay we reveal in 3,2,1." Elton and I turned and the both said 'Have.' "You dyed your hair before?" Corey asked. "Yeah, only Elton really knows about it and how many times I have dyed it," I said to Corey. (you and Elton grew up together btw) "What colors did you do?" "Um, (f/c), (2f/c), (3f/c), and (4f/c). I usually switched between those 4." "Oh nice, and we've all seen Elton's hair when it was dyed," Corey laughed. Elton chuckled, "Yeah, never doing that again." We all shared a laugh and continued.

"Okay, never have I ever been in the band," Corey read. (if you weren't in band pretend you were) I rolled my eyes and wrote down 'Have'. "This isn't fair, these two things I have told them about. You guys suck," I said, whining. "Okay, turn on three. 1. 2. 3," Corey said. We turned our boards. "Didn't you twirl a flag during the half time show at football games?" Elton asked. "Yeah," I said rubbing my nose. "I have told them about being in the band, and all the times I hit myself." "Yeah, didn't you, like break your nose?" I blushed, a little embarrassed, "Yeah, it was after a toss. The wind caught it and it came down super fast and hard, breaking my nose." "Wasn't it at the very beginning?" "Yeah, had blood going down my face the entire show," I laughed a bit. "Yeah, after the show, the band directors didn't even notice. You came up to me and I went to hug you but saw your nose bleeding profusely, so instead we took a picture so we could have it to remember later," Elton said, remembering. "Yeah then the directors walked passed me, noticing, saying to go clean up, not asking if I was okay. So I cleaned up and then we walked to the ambulance, cause my dad was there and he said it was broken." "Did you get to leave?" Corey asked. "No," I said annoyed. "That's fucking stupid." "Yeah, I was gonna break THEIR nose," Elton said. "Yeah, but anyway, let's move on."

"Never have I ever had a crush on someone in the house." "First off, you guys are liars," Elton said laughing. I blushed a bit because I actually like Elton, but he doesn't need to know that, and only a few fans know, plus Colby and Sam.  

*Elton's P.O.V*

I looked at Y/N, she was blushing. She is so cute when she blushes. I looked at my board and wrote down 'Have'. "Ugh, you guys are so meeeaan to meeee," she said whining. I laughed at how adorable she was, and how much of a child she could be. Man, I love her, I don't know why I'm with Amanda, I thought to myself. (I have no hate against Amanda btw. I love her) I"Let's turn on three. THREE!" Corey yelled. We both turned and looked at each others boards she wrote down 'Have'. I was secretly hoping it was me.

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