New Hair } Jake x Reader

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*Your P.O.V*

I sat down in front of the camera, "What's up my dudes! In today's video, if you can't tell by the title, I'm going to be dying my hair! At home!" I did a thumbs up and smiled. "Brad," I pointed to the camera. "You better not get mad at me... Because you're doing my hair!" Brad came up behind me and leaned on my shoulders. "Yes, guys today my brother will be dying my hair." He clapped, "Yes I will because if you did it yourself I would actually kill you." I laughed, "You guys think he's joking but no I did it myself once, back when I did it purple, and he was pissed." "Okay, it wasn't that bad, it looked good but I was just mad you did it yourself and it looked that good." I laughed, "Okay so for all of you asking; no I didn't post this on Twitter, no Jake doesn't know, and he is not home, he's doing a video with Sam and Colby. This is going to be a surprise for him." "She also has no clue what color her hair will be!" Brad said as he stood up and stood behind me. "That's right! He is choosing," I made a face of worry.

"Oh shut up! You know it's going to be a look!" Brad said turning to get his stuff. "Yeah, but tell the viewers what is going to happen," I said as I adjusted the camera. He came back, "First off you gave the camera a great shot," he did a gesture over his chest. "Of your chest there." I laughed and sat down. "Secondly, we may or may not cut your hair. But we will be dying your whole head. And since you're my sister and you bought the dye, I won't charge you." I looked to the camera and put a hand to my heart, "Guys get you a brother like this. But honestly, another reason why he isn't charging me is that after this I'm buying him food." He pointed the brush at the camera, "That too." We both laughed and he started the process.

*If you have darker hair you time lapsed over him bleaching talking at some points. If you have lighter hair light he would necessarily have to bleach, just lighten, you time lapsed that and talked in certain parts*

*Convo's during the session*

Brad: Y/N you need to tell Jake to let me do his hair!

You: I've tried! He usually says he's already got a hair dresser and doesn't want to abandon her.

B: She does do a good job though.

Y: Yeah, he's tried to get me to go to her. But I'm committed to the one and only.

B: Awe I love you sis!

Y: I love you too!


Y: Jake's calling me

B: OOOOOOO answer it girl!

Y: Hey Pretty Boy

Jake: Y/N, save me!

Y: What are they doing?

J: I don't know! They don't either!

Y: Babe, you're at a sleep over in Colby's apartment and it's only you, Sam, Colby, and Corey.

J: But Babe-

Y: Jake it's 10 in the morning, you got there an hour ago. You're staying there till tomorrow night, like you promised them. Plus my brother is over and we are having some bonding time.

J: Ugh okay! Hi Brad!

B: Hey Jake!

Y: I love you babe!

J: I love you too!

*more convos and hair mastering later*

I pointed the camera to the mirror, "Okay guys so Brad just got done bleaching my hair. And it's a look but we will actually put the color in tomorrow. We just ordered pizza and it's gonna be here soon, so see you tomorrow!" Brad and I both waved bye.

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