Queen Mary { Aaron x Reader

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This is based on the Queen Mary video Sam and Colby did. More in the story.

*Your P.O.V*

I walked around the house with really nothing to do. I walked into the game room to see Jake hanging upside down on the couch. "Um, Jake what are you doing?" He turned right side up and looked at me, "I have no clue I'm so bored." "Me too," I said sighing. "ME THREE!" "Corey stop yelling!" Corey and Aaron emerged from the kitchen. "Fricking weirdos," I mumbled as I leaned into Aaron. 

"Hey you bored people, we were planning on doing a video at the Queen Mary. We rented the most haunted room," Sam said as he walked into the game room. "Um what?" Corey asked, his eyes wide. "You heard me." We all groaned a bit. "Oh come on guys, we aren't taking the board," Colby said and everyone visibly relaxed. 

*Time Skip*

 We walked around the ship. "What is the back story of this room?" I didn't hear the explanation as I zoned out and read something that was hung on the wall. I didn't even realize that the group had walked a good ten feet in front of me before Aaron realized that I wasn't there. "Babe what are you doing?" His arms wrapped around my waist. "Oh I was just reading this," I pointed to the picture on the wall. He eyes quickly ran over it, "Interesting, let's go catch up with the others." I turned and walked with him back to the others.

We all got to the room and I noticed the number was taken off, This room doesn't even have a number on it. They really don't want people knowing this is a room. I ran my fingers over it. "Did you guess notice that it is literally all cold until you get right here," Jake said. "Yeah," I agreed. "Yes, dude, I'm scared as fuck," Colby said.

Colby started to explain what happened last time him and Same were here, "I was standing right here. I was filming and it was my perspective and Sam was down there." He pointed down the hall. "So I was all the way over here," Sam walked down and stood where he was that night. "So we were not close whatsoever. 20 feet away." 

"Behind me we just hear a," Colby started to exaggerate his breathing. "I was like Sam, what the, why would he do that? How did that even echo like that. And he was thinking the same thing." "Like I heard it from over there and I was about say, like we had to keep quiet because we're trying to scare our friend Mo. When we came over 'Wait was that you?' and he was like 'I was about to ask you the same question.' We listened to this air conditioning for the entire time and it nothing like it."

"We went and knocked on the door at 3 a.m. and we heard that one knock back. Remember that?" Sam made a noise of agreement. Corey looked at Jake, Aaron and I with a look on his face. Aaron just closed his eyes and Jake just looked at Corey. I ran my hand down my face and groaned, looking at Sam and Colby. "Dude this place is scary let's just get inside," Colby said. "My chest hurts bro," Corey said. "Dude no honestly, okay." "My chest hurts, like I'm that scared." I patted Corey on the shoulder reassuringly. "We do a bunch of scary stuff but honestly the only thing has really made me freaked out and not be able to sleep at night is this place," Sam said.  

"What did that-What did you get out of that?" Jake asked Sam. "Yeah, that just scared me. I don't want to go in there now," I said. "I was just trying to set the tone," Sam said. "Well you set the tone all right," Jake sassed. "I don't know if I've mentioned this on camera yet but this is in the Top 10 Most Haunted Places on the entire Earth." Corey's eyes widened, "On Earth? On Earth, not just America." Sam nodded, "There are nine places scarier than this."

Colby made a noise and everyone's attention went to him. "I just read a scary one," he said pointing to the paper. "God Colby you scared the shit outta me," Corey said with a laugh. Colby said he wanted to read what he had read out loud before we went in the room. "One guest said he woke to the sight of a man sitting in a chair next to his bed. He said it felt as though the man had been watching him sleep." Everyone's eyes widened and I just leaned into Aaron. "I'm gonna cry," Colby said. 

"So we're not sleeping tonight," Corey said. "So let's-let's think about this real quick." "We're actually gonna do this," Sam said. "No one like ever comes in this room. Like this is super rare," I said pointing to the door. "This has been closed off to the public. The reason this is unmarked is because they don't want people even think this was a room," Sam said. "They didn't want people to know-" "Every single one of these rooms has a number," Colby pointed out. "Can we just go in guys?" I asked. "Yeah let's go in," Colby said and we all went in.

*Time Skip*

I walked out of the room shaking, "Y/N, what happened?" I paced the hall and ran a hand through my hair. I pulled my phone out, "Guys, I don't feel safe here at all. Even with Aaron here I don't feel safe. I don't know how to explain this to you guys but I'm going to try my best." I ran my hand through my hair and wiped my face. 

I took a shaky breath, "Okay, so the guys were doing some dumb game and I decide to sit out and watch. Well all of a sudden I felt really tired and decided to take a small nap." I started shaking badly and felt tears brim my eyes. "I'm sorry guys." I fanned my face. "I was asleep for maybe ten minutes when I felt like I couldn't breathe. I felt like someone had their hands wrapped around my throat. I instantly woke up and my hand went to my neck to pull the hands away but all I felt was my neck." 

I swallowed and ran a hand over the bruises that were forming. "I went to the bathroom and," I felt tears spill over and I wiped them away. "I went to the bathroom and I saw hand prints and scratch marks on my neck. Now I can see them turning purple." I pulled my sleeve down and I wiped my face some more. "I was just gonna not say anything and go sit with Aaron. Then I saw something in the mirror and the it grabbed my shoulder then I knew I had to leave." I sat my head between knees and cried. "Guys, I'm fucking terrified. I'm not sleep tonight and I'm sure as hell not going back in that damn room." 

I looked and saw Aaron and the others walk down the hall. I stopped recording and put my phone in my pocket. "Hey, babe what's wrong?" I saw Colby's eyes go to my neck. "Y/N, what happened?" Sam saw me tense up, "You don't have to talk about it." I took notice of the camera. I sighed, "You guys will see it eventually so I might as well." I wiped my face and explained what happened.

*Time Skip*

By the end I was crying and hugging on Aaron. "We can go home now if you want. We don't want you staying here if you don't feel safe," Jake said. Aaron agreed and hugged me tighter, "Yeah, we can go back to the house." I shook my head, "It's barely midnight. You two barely have anything to post. I'll just roam around and film for my channel because I'm not going to want to sleep." Aaron looked at me, "Babe, are you sure you want to roam around by yourself?" I nodded, "I'll be fine plus think the ghost out here are nicer than the ones in there." He nodded and laughed, "Well, I text you when we get ready to leave so you can meet us by the desk." I nodded, "Okay. I love you Aaron. Don't die." He smiled and hugged me tighter, "I love you too. Don't die either." I laughed and kissed him. "I'll see you guys in the morning." I waved to them as I walked away. "See you in the morning."

                                                                               The End.

(a/n: i hope you guys liked this. pls request any ideas you have.)

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