On Set Prank }Colby x Reader

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*Colby's P.O.V*

It was early, around 6:30, and Sam was with me trying to find a video idea."Hey, why don't you go ask Y/N if she wants to join us in this exploration video?" Sam had suggested. Sam and I were going to this abandoned warehouse for a video, he wanted Y/N, my girlfriend to tag along. "Yeah sure," I said, walking across the hall.

I got to my room and knocked on the door, "Come in!" I walked in seeing Y/N getting her shoes on. "Hey, Sam and I were wondering if you wanted to join us on an exploration video?" I asked. She gave me a sympathetic look, "Oh I really wish I could but I have to head to the set today." That's right she has to film today, I thought. She walked over to me and grabbed my arm. "I'm really sorry, I promise I'll go with you and Sam next time." I smiled at her, "It's okay, I understand and Sam will too." She smiled and stood on her toes to give me a kiss. I kissed her back holding her waist.

We pulled away when her phone went off. "Babe, I need to go, everyone is wondering where I am. They literally all texted me at the same time." "Well go, I'll let Sam know," I said kissing her forehead. "Thanks Babe, I'll text you when I get to set," with that she hugged me and left. I walked back across the hall, "She had to go to set today, but she said she'll go next time." "Oh man that sucks," he said. 

*Your P.O.V*

I headed out the door and got into my car to head to the abandon glass factory the producers bought. As a got in my car I got a call from my co-worker and brother, Sebastian Stan. (btw you are in a new avengers movie) I answered it, "Hey." "Y/N M/L STAN! WHERE ARE YOU!" "Good morning to you to Seb. I'm leaving my house right now," I said. "Well hurry, they are getting the set ready." "Tell them that I'll be there in 30 minutes." The set wasn't far from the house, so it was convenient.

*30 minutes later*

I pulled up to the McDonald's close to the set, where everyone parked. I ran in and order a coffee for Sebastian, Chris E., Chris H. and Mackie. I did this every time one of them called me. I walked out and speed walked towards the set. 

"There you are!" my brother yield, walking to me. "SHE BROUGHT COFFEE!" Chris H. yelled and ran to me. "Yes I did," I said laughing and gave him is coffee, like he needed any. "Where's Cap?" I asked referring to Chris Evans. "Right here!" "AHH Chris! You're lucky I sat the coffee on the table." "Sorry." "It's okay," I handed him, Sebastian, and Mackie their coffee. We made jokes as I headed to the makeup trailer to get my makeup and hair done. Then to my trailer after that to get dressed. (Your eyes below and your outfit is similar to Natasha's and Bucky's)

 (Your eyes below and your outfit is similar to Natasha's and Bucky's)

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*Colby's P.O.V*

Sam and I were getting this video hyped up on twitter when I get a Snapchat from Y/N. "Hey Colby I just got done getting ready for filming, how is the house, Elton hasn't ruined it yet right?" She always did this when she was filming. I loved it. I always saw her outfit, but never her co-workers. Which I was shocked about, she always talked about them. But she said she wants to keep the movie a secret until it hit theaters. "Hey Y/N, you look beautiful as always, and no the house is still intact." I sent the video and got stuff ready for filming.

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