Midnight Game } Corey x Reader

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*Your P.O.V*

I hate the midnight game. I hate it. But I love making my friends happy, so I decided to do this video with Sam. I don't know why I do this to myself.

Right now it's 3:25 am and Sam, Kat, Jake, Corey and I are walking through the house in a huddle. "Why did I agree to do this with you Sam?"' Corey asked. "I don't know but you did." After Sam said that I saw a figure walk passed the cabinet in the kitchen. "Guys did you see that?" I asked, terrified. "See what babe?" Corey asked. "Don't tell me no one saw that." "Where did you see it?" Jake asked. I pointed to the cabinet in the kitchen. "No I didn't see anything over there, did you?" Jake asked Sam. "No, I was looking at the front door and so was she." 

*Crash* We looked at the kitchen cabinet to see it wide open. "Guys let's move somewhere else I don't want to be in here right now," I said walking to the main room. "Yeah I agree with Y/N," Kat said. We walked to the main room and I pulled my phone out to film a bit for my channel. "Hey guys, sorry for the poor quality right now but I'm so scared right now. We are playing the midnight game, for some reason. But as we were walking around in front of the kitchen I see a black figure walking in front of a cabinet, the one all the glasses fall out of. Then I guess what, A FUCKING GLASS FELL!" I shivered, the temperature just dropped. "Guys, we have been standing to long I just got super cold," I said to everyone. "Yeah I did too," Kat said. "Okay, I'll inform the rest of you guys on what happens in the morning. I'm shaking to bad to continue holding this," I stopped recording and saved it, putting my phone away.  

"Guys, let's get moving," Jake said. "Yeah let's go," Sam agreed. We walked to the game room, form some reason I had a bad feeling but I pushed it away as my nerves. As soon as we got in front of the t.v it turned on. "WHAT THE HELL!!!" I turn to run and felt something trip me. I fell and felt something sharp go into my hand. "Ow shit!" My head hit the ground as my vision went fuzzy before I passed out.

*Corey P.O.V*

"Ow shit!" I heard Y/N say. As soon as she said that the t.v turned off. "Guys we need to go upstairs now. The game is almost over we have two minutes," Sam said. "Babe, you alright?" I asked to her before I headed to her. She didn't answer, "Guys wait." "What's wrong Corey?" I walk over to Y/N to see her passed out on the floor. "Guys, Y/N fell and is passed out on the floor!" "Is her candle out?" "No, but there is blood the floor Sam!" Kat yelled at him. "Sam, what's the time?" Jake asked. "3:35. The game is over turn on the lights." I turned the kitchen light and Jake turned the game room light on. I look at Y/N not knowing what happened or how this happened. "Jake help me get her off the floor." We got her up and moved her away from the glass shards that are on the floor. 

We sat her on the couch and checked over her injures. "Only her hand and forehead are bleeding," Jake said calmly. I, on the other hand was freaking out, "Are you sure?" "Yes Corey, I'm sure. She'll be okay." I calmed down a bit. "Okay, we need to get her to the hospital," Kat said. "Yeah let's go," Sam said, getting his keys and heading to his car. I pick Y/N up effortlessly and carried her to the car. 

*Time skip*

*Your P.O.V*

I woke up to the smell of cleaning products and was blinded as I was opening my eyes. I groaned, shielding my eyes while sitting up. "Y/N! You're okay! Thank the lord," I heard Corey say as I was tackled in a hug. "Yes I am, but what happened?" "You don't remember?" Sam asked. "Not really, all I remember is playing the midnight game. The last place in the house I remember being in was the game room," I said. "Well, you had fallen and landed on a pile of glass that was in the floor. I guess you hit your head pretty hard," Jake said, filling me in. "Okay so I guess that explains the bandage on my hand and head," I said, gesturing to both. "Yeah."

I looked at Corey, then at everyone else, "Can you guys give us a minute?" "Yes of course." "I'll go get a doctor and let them know you have woken up," Sam said. "Thank you." 

As everyone exited the room I looked at Corey, he was crying. "Babe, babe, hey, it's okay. I'm okay." "I know, I just feel so guilty. I feel like it's my fault," he sniffled. "Hun, I can assure you that this is in no way your fault." He looked down at my hand. "Babe, look at me." He refused to look at me. I used my good hand to lift his chin up, "Corey, this isn't your fault at all. Please do not beat yourself up over this." "I'll try." "I love you, Corey. No matter what," I said smiling. "I love you, too." We kissed right before the doctor came in. 

"Well, it's good to see you're awake," he said, smiling at me. "Good to be awake doc'." He laughed a bit and looked over everything. "Everything seems to be in good condition. You can get dressed and when your ready you come come get signed out." "Thank you," I said smiling. He nodded, smiling as he left. 

Corey got my clothes from the chair next to where he had sat. "Thank you babe." "No problem." I went to reach for my gown string and yelped in pain, guess the pain meds wore off. "Need help babe?" "Yes please," I said. He untied it and helped me with shirt. 

After I got my pants on, I got my shoes on, with help from Corey. "Thank you." He gently kissed my forehead and got the door. "Hey, guys," I said waving to Jake, Sam and Kat. "Y/N! You're okay!" I heard Colby, my brother, yell. "Yes Colby I'm okay. It wasn't that big of a deal." "Like hell it wasn't, you're my sister and you could've of gotten seriously hurt." I just laughed and hugged him. 

I looked at Corey, "Let's get out of this place, the clean smell is giving me a headache." "Yeah, me too."  We walked to the front desk and signed my out, while also getting my pain med prescription. 

*Time skip* 

I walked into the house, everyone behind me in tow. "Hey, Y/N, can I talk to you for a second?" I heard Sam ask from behind me. "Yeah sure." We walked to the game room. "Y/N, I'm so sorry. This is my fault. I shouldn't have asked you to do the video," Sam said, hanging his head. "Hey, Sam, it's okay. You never knew this would happen," I said, rubbing his shoulder. "I know, but still, I feel really bad." "Sammy, you couldn't help it. Don't feel guilty, and plus, I'm okay. That's a point to us," I said, trying to lighten the mood. "Yeah, I guess so," he said laughing. 

We walked upstairs into our rooms. "Hey, babe, what did Sam want?" "Oh he was just apologizing," I said getting one of Corey's shirts, changing into it. "Oh, what did you tell him?" "Um, well, I told him that it was in no way his fault because no one knew that this would happen." He just nodded as I tried to take my jeans off, to no avail. "Little help babe?" "Oh yeah sure," he laughed, helping me. "Thank you," I said, kissing is cheek. "No problem. Let's try to get some sleep." "Alright goodnight babe, I love you." "I love you too, goodnight." We kissed and tried going to sleep.

                                                                           The End.

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