4.4 // Alex's POV

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"david, your fucking vlogs are causing so much shit!" i shouted as i entered the living room, not really caring who's there.

surprisingly only david.

"dude, what do you mean," david chuckled.


"are you serious!?" he exclaimed with wide eyes.

"yes, i'm fucking serious!" i huffed as i fell back onto the couch.

"when?" he questioned.

"like two minutes ago, over the phone!"

"did she let you explain?" david continued.

"not really, i tried to tell her it was fake, like most of your vlogs and it didn't mean anything..." i replied.

"you can't blame this on me, dude. i told you before we started recording, you didn't have to do it if you didn't want to." david shrugged.

"everyone thinks i'm a fucking douchebag, its so bad for my image." i sighed.

"you're thinking about your image right now? that's kinda fucked up!"

"i basically cheated on violet with corinna for the whole internet to see! of course i have to think about my image!" i exclaimed

"cheating on violet with corinna? that's fucking stupid. who on earth would believe it meant anything." david rolled his eyes.

"i know! i was thinking about the vlog, i didn't think it would hurt her. i thought she knew i feel absolutely nothing, and i mean NOTHING for corinna!"

as if on cue, i heard the apartment door open and corinna stepped into the living room.

"speak of the fucking devil." i said

"what's your problem," corinna asked as she sat on the couch.

"violet broke up with him, she saw the vlog." david said, before i could.

"so what, alex! it wasn't gonna last long anyway!" corinna rolled her eyes, looking genuinely annoyed.

what the fuck is her problem?

"you know for a fact our relationship was getting serious!" i said.

"and you've been dating for what, two months? isn't that a little fast." she said.

"i don't give a shit if its too fucking fast, we were happy!"

"well you shouldn't have kissed me then!" she exclaimed.

"i was thinking of the publicity!" i shouted.

"if you want publicity, we can pretend we're dating, since you and violet aren't a thing anymore." she suggested.

"that's so fucked up." david interjected.

"exactly, who would believe that anyway." i scoffed.

"violet, apparently." she shrugged and i rolled my eyes.

"please alex! the media will be going wild! you'll get so much followers! publicity is gonna amazing!" she tried to convince me.

"no, corinna! i'm not spending my time doing this shit, when i'd rather be getting my girlfriend back!" i exclaimed as i got up and went to my room.

i just wish violet never even went to new york.


uhhmm so... that just happened.

All the love. G

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