5.8 // Violet's POV

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a/n: do you prefer alex or madison as the cover of this book ?



i was currently on my way to scott, kristen, todd and jason's place. today is the first time i'm seeing everyone - besides kristen - since new york.

as soon as i stepped through the door i was bombarded with vlog cameras, well not exactly bombarded, it was just scotty, toddy and david.

i kinda missed this.

"oh look, my girlfriend's girlfriend is back!" scotty shouted, but hugged me soon after.

"i hope you made a montage." david said while hugging me.

"shut up." i laughed.

"so how was home?" todd asked.

"great." i smiled.

"wait. you're from new york?" david asked.

"yes, asshole."

"never knew that." he shrugged.

"VIOOLLEETTT." kristen screamed.

"KWIISSTEENNN." i shouted back, while hugging her.

"its been a few days, calm the fuck down." scotty said.

"i want a hug too!!" liza exclaimed and i pulled her in for a hug.

"alex is in the kitchen with jason, just a heads up." kristen whispered.


"tell him its fake." she said softly, so no one else could hear.

"i told you i can't!" i replied.

"violet, you have to! he's hurting so much, he loves you alot, just make things better so we can all be happy!" she said.

"ugghh you're making me feel bad," i groaned and started walking to the kitchen.

"hey guys!" i said.

"hey, you're finally here!" jason said, hugged me, and left the room.

"hey," alex said softly and hugged me.

"hi." i said into his shoulder. i'm enjoying this way more than i should.

"how are you?" he asked.

"i'm pretty good. how are you?"

"not so pretty good." he said. i sighed, knowing where this conversation is heading.

"care to share."

"violet, you already know what i'm gonna say." he chuckled slightly.

"anyway, how are... you and brooklyn?"

"oh uhm, good, i guess. how's you and corinna?" i said awkwardly.

ugh i hate this so much.

"there is no 'me and corinna'. she forced me to take that fucking picture, so she can get more publicity." he rambled.

"i'm such a fucking asshole." he shook his head.

"no you're not!" i said and hugged him.

"i totally overreacted, i'm sorry." i said.

"i'm sorry too,"

i looked up at him and smiled.

"i missed this." he said softly as we both started leaning in.

"no, violet. you have a boyfriend."

"it's a pr stunt." i blurted.

"what the fuck? are you serious?"

"yeah. i was ready to say i'm sorry back in new york already. i realised i overreacted, but then management called and set this all up." i admitted.

"so we're okay?"

"we're okay."



All the love. G

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