6.7 // Violet's POV

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"hey, david." i said as i stepped into the mansion.

"my name jef."

i rolled my eyes at his stupidity. "where's alex?" i asked.

"in his room." jason said as he entered the living room.

"hey, you if you two are gonna fuck, you can't, we're leaving in like ten minutes." david said, hopefully joking.

"that's more than enough time for alex." jason joked.

"we're just gonna talk! jeez!" i exclaimed and started walking to his room.

when i entered the room, he was busy putting on a shirt. "hey, baby." i said sweetly.

"oh, hey." he smiled and placed a small kiss on my lips.

"david says we're gonna leave soon." i informed him

"alright, i'm almost done."

"so uh, kristen told me something earlier." i started.

"what is it?" he asked and started putting on his shoes.

"well, scott told her that alana was flirting with you last night." i said and he sighed.

"yeah, she was. but you don't have to worry, i didn't even pay attention to her." he assured me.

"but then why didn't you say anything about it?"

"i didn't wanna make it big deal."

"i wouldn't have been mad, you didn't entertain her. i don't want you to hide things from me." i said.

"i won't, babe." he said and pressed a kiss to my lips.


we were in david's tesla, on our way to the house (jason, todd, scott and kristen's house). david was driving, jason was in the passengers seat and alex and i were in the back.

my phone buzzed, indicating a text message.

whatsapp ; 15:46
kristen 💗🌸: just a heads up, alana and corinna are here too.

"what the fuck." i muttered.

"what's wrong?" alex questioned.

"corinna and alana are at the house."

"the fuck. why?" david asked.

"how the fuck am i supposed to know!" i exclaimed.

"do you think she'll say anything to you? apologize maybe." alex asked.

"doubt it." i rolled my eyes.

"throw-down of the century is about to happen." jason joked, trying to lighten the mood and i chuckled slightly.

"wait, if you two fight, can i vlog it?" david asked.


"fine, jeez!" david put his hands up in defence.

"david, your driving!" all of us shouted.

"guys, relax. this is a tesla model x." david said smug.


this chapter wasn't saved the first time, so guess who had to rewrite it.
thanks alot wattpad 👏🏼.

anyway, what do you guys think alana will do / say ?

All the love. G

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