4.5 // Instagram - Corinna

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liked by alanabaybee, durtedom and 70,643 otherstagged | 👤 alanabaybee

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liked by alanabaybee, durtedom and 70,643 others
tagged | 👤 alanabaybee

corinnakopf wifey 😌❤ alanabaybee

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alanabaybee 😌❤❤
liked by corinnakopf

username corinna took alex from violet, now she's taking alana too wtf

corinnaisqueen its not corinna's fault that she's more likable than violet 🤷‍♀️ username

durtedom 🔥 dang girls 🔥
liked by corinnakopf, alanabaybee

username So Alana's ditching Violet for Corinna? This bitch is stupid 😂

vlogsquad_ can we forget about all the Violet / Alex / Corinna drama for one second JEEZ LOUISE

username ^ PREACH


i have nothing against corinna its just good for the story 🤷‍♀️

All the love. G.

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