6.6 // Whatsapp - Violet and Kristen

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[Whatsapp - Violet and Kristen]



holy shit kristen

last night was so much fun !

we should go out with the guys more often


but i actually have something to tell you

what is it ?

well apparently, corinna and alana were at the club too...

corinna slept with todd

so ?

atleast she's staying away from my boyfriend

yeah, she is

someone else isn't though 🙄


if you say alana i'm gonna flip my shit

okay, i just won't say it then


that shady bitch

when ??

according to scott, while we were in the bathroom

ask him how touchy she was

he said, quite a bit

really scott said the word "quite"

okay fine 🙄

he said, extremely

but alex didn't entertain her !!!

he loves you, you don't have anything to worry about

then why did he not tell me ?

maybe he didn't think it was important 🤷🏻‍♀️


kristen, are you and idiot 🤦🏻‍♀️

im sorry, maybe i should just talk to him before i make it a big deal

let's be honest here

you're gonna make it big deal anyway

so you might as well just get a headstart

shut it


the snake has returned !

All the love. G

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