10.7 // IRL

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I know I haven't updated in literally forever, but I think it would only be fair to give you all a proper ending 💘



“Did you enjoy yourself today?” Alex asked as we entered my – now our – house. We had just gotten back from David's, it was still quite early, but we have reservations at some place Alex insisted on going to.

This was a trick question. His tone said it all. Any answer I gave was going to feed right into whatever thing he was upset about. Instead of answering directly, I sighed. “Just say what you actually want to say, Alex.”

“You’re leaving. Again.” He said, as if he didn’t believe it. “You were talking about it all day.” He continued as he lied down on our bed.

You felt a small but familiar twist in your gut – a hint of guilt.
“It’s only for a little while,” I reassured him softly, as he pulled me down, to join him on the bed. I felt his long, strong arms wrap around my waist as he pulled me gently into him, laying me on his chest. I felt my breathing relax as his familiar scent consumed my senses and thoughts.

“Darling,” He broke the silence, gently kissing the side of my temple, “You're going to New York next week, coming back for two days, then you're going to London for God knows how long and then to Paris immediately after that.”

“This is good for me, Alex. I'm getting my name out there.” “More so than it already is?” He said in a bit of a harsh tone. “That's never a bad thing.” I replied.

“I'll be back in about three weeks. Why are you making a big deal out it?” I questioned. “Because you're gonna get back, stay for about two weeks, and then you're gonna leave again for a another extravagant trip with your model friends.” He sighed.

I felt my heart breaking with his words as that familiar twist of guilt settled in my stomach again. It was true. That's how it's been for the past few months. I hadn't really considered how Alex felt about all this, I've just been taking all the good opportunities as they came.

“What are you saying Alex, I should like, quit work?”

For the first time that night, Alex laughed. It was a wonderful sound. “No, darling,” he then kissed my nose as my brows furrowed in confusion. “I'm saying, marry me.”

Now it was my turn to laugh, “You're kidding, right?”

Without saying anything, he stood up and walked towards our walk-in closet.
Shit, did I offend him? I probably shouldn’t have laughed.

“Alex?” I called out nervously, as I stood up and got off the bed. Not half a second later, he had returned, with a small box in his hand.

As he stepped closer, I felt my heart pacing, thoughts reeling, stomach churning. Was he serious?

“Violet, you are, without a doubt, the most incredible, kind, generous, and caring person I have ever met.” Alex paused as he kneeled on one knee, the small black box resting on his thigh. He looked up at me, his beautiful blue orbs glowing. “When I’m with you, my thoughts become cloudy. All I can think about is how empty I am when you are gone. And when I’m without you, all I can think about is how much happier I am when you’re here.”

“Yes.” I interrupted him, not even hesitating and Alex chuckled.

“Sweetheart, you haven’t even seen the ring yet.” “I don’t care,” I replied.

Alex smiled, “Just let me finish.” He opened the box, to reveal a gorgeous scintillating double halo of diamonds, wrapped around a striking cushion-cut center stone. It was gorgeous.

“As I was saying, I am nothing without you, my love. Everything I do, means nothing to me if I can’t have you by my side. Please, darling, make me the happiest man on Earth by saying yes.”

[A/N quick switch to third person pov]

Alex had bought the ring nearly a month ago and chickened out on proposing to Violet every single day since.

His original plan had been to propose on the rooftop of Violet's favorite restaurant while David and few others were there to commemorate the moment – by vlogging, of course but he ended up scrapping that idea.

Then he was gonna do it at random, like on the street or something, but the thought of a bunch of strangers and tourists gawking at them in the middle of LA turned him all the way off.

His next idea was just to ask at David's, where it would just be some of their close friends, but even that was too many people.

He was worried that Violet would say no – he couldn’t help it – and Alex knew himself. He wouldn’t be able to bear the rejection if it happened in front of a crowd, he might be able to survive if it was just him and Violet but with everyone? There was no way.

He then finally decided that he would get reservations at a nice restaurant and propose – tonight, just like you see in the movies.

But in that moment, the time felt right for him, so he went for it.

“Yes!” Violet half screamed, no longer caring about the tears streaming down her cheeks.

Alex laughed again, “Just let me ask you the question, darling. Violet,” He paused, looking from the ring and back up into Violet's warm, beautiful eyes. “Will you marry me?”

“Yes, yes, yes! A thousand times, yes!”


All the love. G

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