9.1 // Violet

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[private chat]

kristen violet



so you and corinna
are cool again ?


she's always at the house
bc of todd

and she's really sweet

you should give her a chance

idk 🤧

please please please

i want us all to be friends !!

fine 🙄

when should we do this ?

let's go for brunch

like, right now

god dammit kristen

oh i'm inviting liza too

oh and we should go back to your place after too



i lifted myself off the bed and walked over to the cupboard to get some clothes.

i took off alex's shirt and replaced it with my own. as i was putting my pants on, alex walked into the room.

"where are you going?" alex asked.

"out for brunch." i replied.

"with who?" he questioned.

"kristen, liza and corinna." i said simply and he gave me a confused look.

"corinna, really?" he chuckled as i rolled my eyes.

"kristen wants me to give her a chance, since she's dating todd now. it's not a bad idea." i shrugged.

"alright then. have fun, baby." he smiled and kissed my forehead.

"see ya later."


i parked my car outside of tender greens. i walked in and immediately spotted my favourite little brown girl, alone, at a table for four.

i ran up behind her and hugged her.
"violet!" liza squealed.
liza and i chatted for a while until we spotted kristen and corinna.

"hey girlies!" kristen said in a silly voice and sat down opposite me.

"hi!" corinna smiled.

we all started making small talk until
corinna spoke up.

"uhm, violet. i think we need to talk about this whole, situation, i guess." corinna said as i nodded.

"look, i'm really sorry for acting like a bitch and trying to 'steal' alana from you. and as for the whole alex thing, to be honest, i felt threatend by you. before you came, i was the one 'all over alex' and then you guys started dating and i just felt left out. when david said alex and i should kiss for a bit, i jumped at the opportunity just to spite you and it was really fucking shady," she started.

"then the attention from the fans shifted to me, and alana started talking to me. i thought she was being friendly but now i understand what she was doing. she's a fucking fame whore! i don't even remember the last time i spoke to her. i don't want someone like that in my life, and i don't want to be someone like that. anyway, i'm rambling, i'm really, truly sorry, violet."


(pretend the blonde is corinna thx)


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tagged | 👤 corinnakopf

violetadams that tea's bitter ☕

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flawless.violet OOF


username we stan mature women

corinnakopf 💘💘💘
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liked by violetadams, todderic_, zane and 174,834 others

tagged | 👤 violetadams

corinnakopf tender greens fixes everything

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violetadams luv ya
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   todderic_ not more than me tho
   liked by corinnakopf


what do you guys think of this new friendship ?

All the love. G

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