Insane || Mashton

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Going to correct the errors soon. x
~~~~BOY X BOY~~~~
Just if you don't know how to pronounce Rosalie.
It's just (Rose) (sal) (lee) :)
So yea!
Enjoy!! x
(Gonna be a boring chapter.)
Date of birth: July 7, 1994
Birth Name: Ashton Fletcher Irwin
Born In: Hornsby
Height: 6 feet
Where to: California
"Insane Patient"
Ashton sat on the boat.With his head down starring at his cuffed hands and legs.Listening to other patients talk to themselves.It's driving him nuts!
It would've been better if they took him prison instead of some building with special people who have problems.He doesn't have any problems...well not anymore.He was a suicidal kid.He was a 'maniac' murderer.The children he skinned were his bullies.The adults were the people that didn't do anything to help him but supported him to overdose on pills because he was worthless.
He was planning on calling the police but he killed them then he overdosed.
His parents didn't even care for him.All they did is call him names and abuse him.So one day he hung them.How?It was a mystery.
He shot his best friend because he slept with his girlfriend,Right when she promised she wouldn't cheat.
Ashton spent 5 years committing crimes and haven't gone to jail.Just the hospital.
7:35 pm
"Go to your cells!" one of the guards yell.
"C'Mon Ashton let's take you to your cell" Steven (Ashton's guard ever since he's been in the hospital in the beginning) grabbed his arm and pulled him.
Ashton didn't say a word.
"You have been a quiet one lately" Steven looked over at Ashton "too bad you're leaving"
"Whats that suppose to mean?" Ashton stared at his hands.
They continued to walk to his cell.
"Well you've been the best one lately.You're calm and quit normal.Not insane" Steven shrugged.
"Oh" was all Ashton could say. "at least one person doesn't think I'm crazy"
"Um I won't say that...I still think you're a little crazy in the head.Those pills are helping you out though"
Ashton's jaw clenched.
"It's not the fucking pills" Ashton managed to say with his gritted teeth.
"But I think it is" Steven stood in front of Ashton's cell.
"IT'S NOT" Ashton pushed Steven to the wall.Grabbing a fistful of his hair and slamming his head against the wall.
"I'M.NOT.FUCKING.INSANE" Ashton kicked and punched Steven till he was weak in the bone.
Steven started coughing blood.
Just when Ashton was going to kick him in the face he felt something sharp pierce into his skin.
It caused him to get drowsy and black out.
Guards picked up his unconscious body and took him to his cell.

Michael's Point of View
"C'mon Michael We're gonna be late" Rosalie yelled.
"I'm coming!" I ran downstairs skipping some of the stairs.
"Oh! Loving your Nirvana shirt and your blue hair" Rosalie complimented.
"Thanks Rosa bean " I smiled and grabbed my car keys to my black Honda.
"I'm so excited!I've heard 15 new patients are coming!Oh and one of them are very very dangerous and well known for murdering.That person even skinned children!Oooh I'm so fucking excited!" Rosalie was jumpy.
"Really?!" I unlocked the doors.
"Yes!Ass hole" Rosalie rolled her eyes and got in the car.
"Hey! if you call me that again I'm leaving you here" I buckled my seatbelt.
"Yea yea" She grabbed her purse and searched for her phone to text her boyfriend.
I smile at her and turn in the radio.
Join the club by Bring Me the Horizon came on.
I started humming to the beautiful song.
13 minutes later...
"We are...HERE!" I laugh.
"Yay!" we both quickly get in the building signing in.
"Hello.Nice seeing you both again." Ms.Sherwood greeted.
"Nice seeing you too." Rosalie smiled taking our name tags.
"Here you go" Rosalie handed me my tag.
"Thank you" I smile.
"Michael,Rosalie." Ms.Sherwood said.
"Yes?" we said in a unison.
"You guys will be greeting the new patients and taking five of them their new cells.Which I'm doing as well"
"They're here" a man came in with patients behind him.
"Look at them!They look mysterious!" Rosalie shrieked in excitement.
"Alright.Rosalie you'll be taking this group" the man said.
Rosalie happily walked to the group and greeted them.
"Michael you'll take this group." I slowly nod and look at the group.
"H-hi" I smile at the the three men. "hello" I said to the two women.
"I'm Michael...If you need any help just ask." I smile politely at them.
"Thank you sir" a boy said.
I quickly look to see who it was.I just nodded at the attractive boy.
"Y-you're welcome...uh follow me an i'll take you to your cells" I grabbed my clipboard and started leading the patients.
"Ashton" I call out.
"That's me" Ashton smiled at me. Wow he has nice dimples.
"This is your room" I grabbed the keys and unlocked the gate and then the door.
When Ashton got in his room he looked around.
"Um I have to take off your cuffs." I put my clipboard down.
He nodded and revealed his wrists which had a ton scars in them.I tried to ignore it but I couldn't.
"Okay.Um your medicine will be at 5:15 alright" and I quickly left his room.
"Wait!" he said.
I turned around.
"Your clipboard" he handed it to me.
"Oh thanks" I felt my face heat up.
He just smiled and sat on his bed.
I closed the door and the gate and left to take the other patients.
"Michael." Ms.Sherwood called me.
"Yea ma'am?" I answered.
"You'll be taking care of Ashton Irwin.Giving the attention he needs and his medicine.Also you'll be his half time guard." Ms.Sherwood read off her computer.
I was shocked. What a coincidence.
"Yay! Oh my god! You're so lucky Mikey!" Rosalie cheered.
"Y-yea" I forced a smile.
"It's gonna be lunch in two minutes.So you better hurry Michael." She looked at me with a smile.
"Yes Ms.Sherwood" I nod and walk out the door.
After walking into some empty hallways hearing patients screaming for help or banging on the doors.I couldn't wait to see that mysterious boy.
Was he that guy that Rosalie was talking about?The one who um skinned children?I forgot already.
I guess I have to ask Ms.Sherwood to look at his records.
I read the room numbers looking for Ashton's room.
ROOM 567
I knocked on the door then unlocked it.
"Finally lunch!" Ashton sighed.
"But the food isn't really good.Except for Fridays.They serve pizza but for patients that are anorexic they have salads." I told him.
"Oh?Thanks for telling me" Ashton looked at me confused.
"Why are you confused?" I asked.
"It's just nobody has been treating me nicely since I'm an "insane" person" He shrugged.
I stared at his now bandaged wrists.
"Um what happened there?" I looked at him and down at his wrists.
"O-Oh...n-nothing" Ashton pulled his arms behind his back.
"Okay?" I shrugged it off.
I led Ashton to the lunch room and told him to get his lunch sit where ever he wants.
I spot Rosalie talking to this little lady.She looks like she's around 14.
"Hey Rosa bean" I greeted.
"Hi Mikey" she smiled patting the girls back.
"Who's this young little lady" I look over to her.
"She's Emily" Rosalie starred at her fondly.
She just starred at me with her lost lonely grey eyes.
"Hello Emily.I'm Michael" I smile.
"She really doesn't talk" Rosalie sat next to her.
"Oh" was all I can say.I searched around the room spotting Ashton alone.Spinning his spoon around the plain soup.
"I'm gonna go" I said.
"Okay see ya!" Rosalie said cheerfully.
"You're always happy" I chuckle.
I slowly make my way to Ashton hesitating if I should sit with him or not.
"Hi Ashton" I sat across from him.
He just starred at me.
"How's your lunch?" I looked at his soup and to be honest it didn't look so great.
Still he didn't say anything.
"Are you giving me the silent treatment?" I asked.Why was he not talking?Was it something I said?
"No." Was all he said.
"Oh" I fiddled with my fingers.
"Go away" Ashton closed his eyes putting his head down.
"But I just want to talk to yo-"
"Just shut up and leave me alone" Ashton mumbled.
"Alright.But you can tell me what's bothering you." I told him.
"You're bothering me." He looked up with tears in his sad hazel green eyes.
I didn't say anything.I was surprised and I didn't want to make it any worse so I just kinda left.Why did his mood suddenly change.
"S-Sorry" I shrugged.I just wanted to help him.I guess I wasn't.
I looked at the time.Only 3 minutes till lunch is over and I have to take him to the discussion group thing.
I stood there my back against the wall.
Somehow I just wanted to know more about him.I should ask Ms.Sherwood if I can read his files. Wait I just said that.
Ashton seemed to have bandages on his wrists.
Why?Did he cut?
Wait wait!No that can't be true.He's to beautiful.Yes I know he's beautiful but I don't like him.But I shouldn't be thinking that he cuts because that might not be true.
"Hey Mikey!" I snapped out of my thoughts.
I looked around the room to see Rosalie waving at me.
I sighed and walked over there.
"What's wrong?" she asked.
"Nothing" I shrugged.
"Well it's almost time for-" the bell sounded.
"See ya." I told her.
I walk to Ashton and see him get up.
"C'mon" I quietly said.
I felt him follow me and I took him to the discussion room seeing others enter.
"Take your seats" a man said out loud.
"I'll be back when this is over" I smile at him hoping he'll smile back.
Obviously he didn't.
I slowly walk out looking at the empty hallways.
Ashton was now in my mind.
"Ashton" I whisper. "beautiful name" I smile to myself.
Lol told you it's boring ;-;
Anyways hope you enjoy!!
Loves x

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