Chapter 1

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Carrie's P.O.V

Three weeks its been since I moved to Bradford, hardly enough time to move in properly. But here I am, at 6 in the morning, getting ready for my first day at this new school. The weather here is harsh, well, thats an understatement. The constant cool air is definitely a change from the warm sun from Australia. But, I would really not like to talk, or in this case even think about Australia right now. Those thoughts need to be pushed to the back of my messed up mind.

Emgland is the last place I wanted to be, but honestly maybe thats a good thing. I mean, it is so far away from my home, well old home, and I seriously doubt anyone around here is from there.

Outside, the sun is ever so slowly starting to come forth from the damp ground, making beams of light flood through the window of my attic room. I make my wiggle our of my bed and sit on the windowsill, letting the warmth fill me. If only my life was this peaceful all the time, I would have nothing to worry about. But instead, i get thrown in the mix of death, anger, resentment, bullying, anything bad I have experienced. I know some people are worse off then me, but that doesn't make it hurt any less. It makes it hurt more.

I sigh, my head now resting on the pane of warm glass. I just want my messed up world to stay still for a little while, but of course, that's too much to ask. My dad, who I haven't seen in years (until recently), calls from down the stairs to wake me. Don't get me wrong, I love him and he took me in when mum, uh never mind. But he has a life with his own little family now and I don't want to mess that up for him, it's not his fault they split. I would have done the same thing if I was with my fuck up of a mother. I shouldn't say that but it's true.

After a second call from him, much to my displeasure, I get up from the windowsill and brush my messy brown hair, the knots detangle easily for a change. I walk down to the ground floor, each time I step on a new stair it makes my legs tingle and feel weak. Having your bedroom in the attic has it's downs.

"Good morning Carrie!" My Dad's soon to be wife, Debbie, smiles at me. I give a weak smile back. I'm pretty sure she is used to this though, I have nothing against her and I'm glad she doesn't push me and my jacked up life any further towards the edge, if she did I would surely fall off.

Her son, Tobias, is sitting at the table shoving food in his face, like usual. The 11 year old was a pain, but sweet all the same. I will admit I warmed up to him a bit, but that doesn't make him any less annoying. I ruffled the blonde mess atop his head as he nudged me in the stomach.

My dad kisses my head lightly, sending a reassuring smile my way. He has told me all about the kind of people at the new school, but in all honestly no one could be as bad as the students at Tweed North, Aka my old school. Even without all the bullying I went through in my last year, my 'peers' did drugs, got tattoos ON campus and major classroom destruction was considered pretty normal. It was terrible even without my problems thrown in the mix, and I am astounded that the government wasn't on it's case, I mean, the Australian government is usually pretty strict when it comes to things like that. Shows how much they actually care about anyone.

Despite the feast Debbie has made up, I grab what looks like a juicy green apple from the ceramic fruit bowl and dig my teeth into it. Much to my delight it is perfect, and I savour the sweet taste in my mouth.

I nod to dad, signalling i'm going to go upstairs to get ready. He smiles brightly back at me indicating it is fine. At this, I quickly go upstairs, the pain I felt from 15 minutes ago evaporating as my legs get used to moving. As soon as I enter the room I close the door and take off my tights and top, getting ready to change. I practically shove my closet open, grabbing a pair of skinny jeans and a button up checkered top. I haven't been shopping here yet so my typical Australian country clothes will just have to do today, although it may make me stand out from the crowd. I grab my red converse before tying my hair up in a high pony, a couple of strands hang out at one side and as I am in no mood to care, so I just push it behind my un-pierced ears. After a mental debate I decide to put on some brownish coloured eye liner. I also decide I am not bothered to apply anything else and the feeling of make-up is something I don't actually find very pleasant.

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