Chapter 4

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Carrie's P.O.V

Theweekend seemed to go in a flash. I ended up spending the Sunday with Kate and her friends at the beach. As much as I wanted to surf, I knew I would get some odd looks as nobody at the beach we were at actually did, plus, I wasn't going to make Felicity drive me back to my house, it was too far out of my way. Despite the fact that I didn't surf, it was fun. Moving to England hasn't been half as bad as I expected it to be.

But now it's last session on a Monday afternoon. Despite the fact that I'm in the middle of a math lecture I would really like time to go by slowly, my first 'professional' choir session was this afternoon and I can tell you, I am in no way looking forward to it despite my passion for singing.

I watch the clock tick by slowly. I learnt that looking at it slowed down time seemingly. But as the hour drew to half, and eventually 5 minutes I was in panic mode. I could practically feel the colour draining from my face as those 5 turned into 1, that 1 turning into seconds. Hold yourself together Carrie, hold yourself together.

The bell rang and I stood from my seat slowly. My teacher gave me an odd look but I just tried to smile as much as I could, but I am pretty sure I just looked constipated or something. She brushed it off and I was thankful. I made my way out of the classroom and headed to the music block.

Should I just call in sick? I considered this for at least half of the walk before realising that if I don't do this even the slim possibility of a career would be completely demolished. Ugh. Why the hell is this a problem? Because you're weak I mocked myself. Damn it Carrie!

I slowly walked up to the music hall as I had instructed. I hesitated, my nerves in full kick, but eventually I walked in. I felt several heads turned my way and out of instinct I put mine down so no one could see my face, which I am sure was flustered. I sat down quickly in a chairs near the and avoided eye contact with anyone.

I heard some footsteps getting louder towards me and I prayed that no one was going to sit besides me. Luck wasn't with me. A guy sat right next to me and I didn't look up. I didn't need to, as soon as he spoke I knew who it was.

"Hello, Carrie." Zayn mocked me, I could literally hear the smirk in his voice. I continued to keep my head down. I think he was about to say something but Mrs Farrel interrupted beat him to it. Thank god.

"Ok firstly I would like to say we have a new member," she started, ok, I would prefer Zayn talking to me. She beckoned me over and I reluctantly stood up and went over. "This is Carrie Garcia, she is new here, but her voice is very unique and will add depth to the choir," She looks over at me smiling, but I am too flustered to do anything in reply. I keep my head looking at the floor, my brown hair covering my vision a little. "She is shy, so pay some respect. Can someone 'mentor' her for the week?" Oh shit.

"I will Mrs." Zayn's voice replied smugly. Nooooo. No no no.

"Thank you Zayn." She smiled. My urge to jump out the window is very very high at the moment. "Ok girls and guys, into positions for warm ups!" She ordered brightly.

I was placed second to the left. My luck is so high today! I am right in front of Zayn! Note my sarcasm. I mean, I have nothing against the guy, except his player ways, disrespect to women, cocky attitude, relationship with my best friend, oh, and the fact that he can never seem to leave me alone in the past few days.

We warmed up, and I have to say, the choir sung well even in a warm up. I felt so out of place. There were so many gorgeous girls with their beautiful high voices along with the guys with there sweet tunes and 'attractiveness'. Then there was plain little me. The chubby girl with a hideous face and a crappy singing voice. Isn't it lovely! Sarcasm has been used again, if you haven't noticed.

"Okay! Get with your partner! You will go over the lyrics to 'Bad Day' by Daniel Powter with them. We are performing the song in two weeks at a special assembly the school is holding for the welcome back of the school's twentieth anniversary! Even though it's not public, make sure you get it right, over the next few days we will practise in our pairs and then we will work as a group! Get to it! Oh, Zayn you and Carrie can be partnered together since you both don't have a partner!" She ordered out quickly before smiling. Zayn shot what I gather is his signature smirk and I replied by cursing under my breath. Greeeaaat.

The only good thing was I knew practically all the lyrics to that song. Honestly it was one of my favourites. Zayn and had his smug little look guided me to a piano at the back of the room. It was pitch black but looked perfect. I ran my fingers over the keys. Ok, maybe I was lying when I said I couldn't play any instruments. I just don't like the whole band thing, I do my own things.

"I'm pretty sure I am more interesting then a piano." Zayn's voice startled me, the nerve of that boy. I scoffed and snatched a lyric sheet, before he could say anything in return I spoke.

"I have no interest in you, Zayn, I know exactly what you do with girls and no, I am not your little doll. If you wanted that you should have spoken to me years ago" I instantly covered my mouth as I spoke. He studied me before smirking and continuing, ignoring my comment.

All we really did was read through the lyrics. Occasionally singing a few. We didn't speak to each other aside from some of his 'charming' comments such as 'your accent is sick' I mean, what? Did he really think I would go for that. Wow. Dick.

Soon enough the hour was almost up, and we all start packing up our stuff. Mrs Farrel says one last thing before we are allowed out of the classroom.

"By the way, you all should start thinking of a chorus or snipet from a song that you will sing for your first assessment. It's a while away but it doesn't hurt! Remember, this is still considered part of you curriculum since you guys don't do any other music classes in school. Okay! Thank you!" She informed us and I went to pick up my bag, but of course Zayn got to it first and walked out of the classroom. I stormed up to him.

"Zayn! Give me my bag you dick!" I yelled.

"Aww, the little girl has a temper!" He says in a baby voice while touching my nose. How the hell do people like this jerk?

I punched him a bit in the stomach, not playfully, but not enough to cause any injury. He pretended it didn't hurt but I saw him wince a little. What do you know? One good thing came from living in the hell hole of Australia!

"Give it to me, Zayn." I sneered. He dropped my bag and put his hands up in surrender. I snatched my bag and walked off, if he knew what was good for him he wouldn't have followed, but the moron did anyway.

"No thank you? He smirked. I rolled my eyes.

"The only reason you want me to pay any attention to you is because you want to get in my pants. I hate to tell you this but, it's not gonna happen mate." He completely ignored that.

"Your accent is hot, even more so when you're mad." He, complimented? It wasn't a compliment it was a nasty trick, there isn't any name for it.

"Take yourself and your stupid smart mouth somewhere else." I didn't notice it be we had managed to end up right outside my house. I unlocked the door and slammed it in his smirking face.

That boy has major problems.


Sorry it's short :/ but it is important! Kinda an introductory thing.

I have been so busy with school, ugh :( get me away from it. I will try to update tomorrow and thank you for the people who are reading this once again!

Although I highly doubt she is reading this, I found out @reagreen IS FOLLOWING ME ON HERE. HER BOOK FIRST IMPRESSIONS IS AMAZING GO READ IT WOW.

goodbye :)

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