Chapter 3

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Carrie's P.O.V

Weekends. Mine weren't exciting, but were better then school. I was sitting on the couch with popcorn shoved in my mouth. A movie was playing on the TV but I wasn't paying attention. My mind reminds me of yesterday and a smile is immediately plastered on my face. Maybe I have a little talent..?

I laughed a little. Nah. Maybe a little talent but I am pretty sure %70 of what Mrs Farrel said yesterday was false. My voice is annoying, and I'm not the only person to think that. Stop it, I scolded myself of thinking that. I run my hand across a small scar at the bottom of my stomach. This is what they want, they want me to think bad of myself.

I need to shake these thoughts away, so I try my hardest to keep my focus set in the TV. I blow the mess of hair that has made it's way across my face so my eyes can fully see the stupid love movie that was playing on the screen.

I really hate these kind of movies. They are so sappy and un-realistic. It's not like out of no where someone pops up in your darkest hour to save you, heck, half the time nobody even finds out you're struggling. The fact that they say 'I Love You' so easily pisses me off the wall, like that ever happens. The movies like this one represent a picture perfect couple that doesn't exist.

Much to my surprise, soon enough the bowl is empty. I groan. As I go to get up, my phone vibrates. Fiddling with the latch of the cover, I finally check it to see a message from Kate.

From: Kate

Hey! I'm going shopping, wanna come? Everyone else hates shopping 😪

I laugh a little at the fact she believes everyone else hates shopping. No, not one of those giggly girly laughs, an actual laugh. I don't 'giggle' as such. I reply, telling her to pick me up in half an hour.

I rush upstairs and throw on a tank top with some stupid YOLO sign or whatever on it and some denim shorts. After braiding my hair I slip on some navy TOMS before the doorbell goes, and I am thankful I'm not one of those girls that likes to put excessive make-up on. Once downstairs again, and giving my dad a quick kiss on the cheek and heading out the door. Kate smiles brightly at me, showing off her perfect teeth.

"Carrie! Hello!" She waves enthusiastically at me. I smile brightly at her enthusiasm as she motions for me to get in the car.

"You seem rather happy today!" I laugh, putting on my seatbelt.

"Well, like I said, none of my friends like shopping so I usually spend my Saturday shopping spree alone." she pouts but eventually joins in my laughter as we drive along the rode.


As I drink my water, Kate blabbers about a cute guy in one of her classes. I don't pay attention much but nod occasionally to try to show that I am actually listening, although as I have said, I'm not. Don't judge me. Now I know why the others didn't go shopping with her, but honestly I'm enjoying it. She asks me a question and I turn to her and ask her to repeat.

"Anything happened exciting this week? Well apart from meeting me. Has anyone made a move on you?" She winks and nudges me, I laugh and shake my head.

"Nope!" I smile, popping the 'p'. She looks at me in disbelief.

"No one? No one at all?" She continues to question.

"No? Why is this surprising?"

"Because one, you're gorgeous, and two, most of the guys in this school have like a competition or whatever where they see how many people they can, you know, sleep with."

"Oh right" I bit my lip. We stop talking for a little while.

"So what happened after school yesterday?" She interrupts the awkward silence. I smile and she squeals excitedly, indicating she knows the answer. "I TOLD YOU!" She continues squealing.

"What's up with the squealing ladies?" The guy who I told off yesterday says as he approaches us with his friends. He winks at me and I pretend to gag.

"None of you business, Zayn." Kate glares at him. So that's his name. Zayn. Who names their kid Zayn? Someone with attractive genes.

"I just wanted to get your friends number." His friends in the background high five as he winks. I just continue to pretend-gag again while Kate continues.

"I'm sorry to tell you this, Zayn," she seethes, the venom clear in her voice, "but Carrie is going to be your downfall of your little reputation. You won't have slept with every girl in the year from now on, 'buddy'" I looked up at her surprised by her words. The smirk on her was large and the look on Zayn's face was priceless. I bit my lip to stop myself from laughing, but it failed and I walked away a little bit practically crying. THAT was hilarious.

I heard Zayn mumble something along the lines of 'you and I both know thats not true' before Kate turned around with a disgusted kind of look on her face. She walked over to me and motioned for us to continue.

After a while of silence I decided to ask whats on my mind. "I mean this in the nicest way possible but did you...?" I didn't have to finish. She nodded slowly.

"It was the worst mistake of my life. I had a boyfriend at the time, we had been together since the start of highschool and I loved him so much, like actually loved him, and I went to tell him but he pulled out a ring,and-and It was a promise ring even though we were so young but, I had to tell him. Then, then he left me." She sobbed.

"I'm sorry" I tried to comfort her.

"It's ok." She was sniffing and I wanted to tell her I knew how she felt kinda, but it wasn't the time.

"Want to go back to my place? My parents works late on the weekends so we have the place to ourselves." She suggested after a while. I nodded and we left.


"That was probably the worst shopping trip you have ever been on!" Kate giggled but had a guilty look in her eyes. I just smiled at her, showing it was fine but she didn't look convinced, so I replied with something I knew would improve her mood.

"Actually, it was the most fun I have had in ages! The look on Zayn's face was priceless!" I laughed remembering the site. She started laughing hard as well.

It was around 6 now, we had talked for about 3 hours. We bagged our exes, or in my case ex, talked about our lives and things we like to do. I told her about my song writing and promised one day I would show her the songs. I even told her about the bullying. I left out my mum though, I couldn't tell her about that.

I was feeling myself get quite attached to Kate, she definitely new me more then anyone else around here, or anyone for that matter. That scares me a little as we have only met a week ago, but what the hell. She is 5 times nicer then anyone I have met in my entire life, plus with her past of spilt secrets she has a glimpse of what I felt like. I feel awful for putting it on her though, because I have a ton of baggage. She was so caring though, even when I started crying.

After 2 movies and 5 bowls of popcorn, I felt myself fall asleep on Kate's, rather comfortable, couch. More content then I have ever been.


Filler chapter sorry :/ but ha I updated! :)

Vote/comment for me? I just want to know if any of you are actually reading this continuously. Share it to your friends? I know it's a lot to ask but I only have like 11 reads after a week and I know it might be a lot, I wouldn't know I haven't written before, but it feels like a tiny amount to me :/ sorry for me being a pessimist.

Anyway, thank you again if you are reading this, it's appreciated 😘

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