Chapter 2

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Carrie's P.O.V

I wouldn't say school is great, but it isn't bad either.

The past week has been.... Ok? That really doesn't sound right coming off my tongue. But you know, I say some pretty weird shit sometimes.

Kate introduced me to her little group. They are all really cool, they constantly compliment me on my stupid ass accent which isn't necessary, considering how lame it is. But I can't help but admire them all. I have come close to a black haired girl with piercing blue eyes named Felicity. She is wild but a completely genuine person, a trait that I admire. Along with her is a blonde named Mark, he is nice, not to mention attractive, but I'm not interested in dating as I have said, how many times before even? I lost count. Plus, I am pretty sure him and another in the group named Lacy are having somewhat of a fling. Kate is still the person I'm closest to, it helps that she is in most of my classes, and the only person out of them that is in choir. I am really surprised how well I have socialised. I deserve a sticker.

My classes are actually going pretty well, if I say so myself. I have always been smart, I just always had a lot on my plate that distracted me from work. With all the bullying and stuff it was impossible to concentrate, but this week has been different. Besides Math, I enjoy all my classes. Mr Hasiuk, my English teacher is really nice and loves my writing work. He knows my passion for writing and singing, along with my ideas for a career, and although hasn't heard me sing he is fully supportive, even if that means just writing songs. Even though, it would be great to perform them. If you know, I had confidence. I suck majorly unfortunately. But he has asked me for a couple of my songs but I can't give them to him, not yet anyway.

As I walk away from 2nd period I feel great. I have followed all my rules this week, the only one I broke was the no drama thing, but I made an exception. That was an accident and thats the only time that I was noticed. Now I just make it through the rest of the year. It shouldn't be hard, I mean, I'm chubby and no where near attractive, I'm lazy and it isn't like I am a super talented person. It shouldn't be hard.

Oh yeah, I have my first choir session today. Whoop-de-doo

Even though they have no point, I get lost in my thoughts. Well at least until someone interrupts me. "You know you owe me a shirt right?"

I turn around in confusion to face YET ANOTHER attractive guy. His black hair was perfectly done and his body, not that I was looking at it, seemed quite, erm, should I say fit? I don't know. But I wasn't interested in him like I have said about countless boys, I don't need a guy, only a dozen cats and some pizza. Plus, I could tell he was some sort of player or popular jerk by the way girls practically melted when they look at him, and the smug look on his face.

"What are you even talking about, do I know you?" I ask. I am surprised by my 'calmness' in this situation. I should be a turtle by now.

"You smashed into me. I'm the guy you smashed into." He sniggers and I roll my eyes.

"Ok...? What does this have to do with a shirt?" I don't need, nor wan't to talk to this guy, so why am I again?

"I spilt my drink all over my shirt. You need to buy me a new one." He states in a flat tone and I laugh.

"You obviously haven't heard of a washing machine." It's my turn to snigger as I turn on my heel and walk down the hallway. One point to me, Zero to that attractive guy. Yesssss.

I can't help but have a massive confidence boost. I can just imagine his face, that stupid smug look of his not apart of it. I hope not many people saw though, I mean, I don't want anymore drama and for once I am actually getting that. Plus, if I actually turn out to be famous someday I will get more attention then I will ever want, now needs to be calm.

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