Chapter 5

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Carries P.O.V

"The moron has a problem." I sigh to Kate as we eat. It's been a week since I entered the 'professional' choir. It has really helped my singing but I am starting to regret entering. He has made my life hell. By 'he' I'm referring to the one and only dumbass that could only be Zayn Malik.

"I know, remember." She also sighs and I give her an apologetic look before continuing.

"I mean like, you would think he has the message now wouldn't you? I haven't done one thing to signal him otherwise. This stupid idea in his head that I'm going to kiss him or more is just messed up. Like, no." I groan. I feel bad for putting her in this possition but she makes me tell her everything.

"Unfortunately there is nothing you can do. Atleast after this year you will never see him again!"

"Incase you haven't noticed, It's the third week of the first term." I complain. "Sorry I'm throwing all this at you, especially since, you know.."

"Not so loud!" she orders and I giggle. Kate is probably the nicest person I have ever met.

We sat by the large maple tree across from the football field, just talking in general when she had asked me on what Zayn had been doing, and that just lead to this conversation. Kate listened intently at least until I mentioned the 'woman problems' she is going through at the moment. Now I was rolling around the floor laughing at her discomfort as she tried to tell me to shut up. I know, not exactly the most friendly thing to do but... Oh well. I aint' the nicest person you will come across.

"You wait, you just wait." Kate sneered jokingly, before she too started to giggle.

What could I say? My life has never been this high since... Ever.


As I walk down the hallway to my last class of the day, English, I bump into the person I least wanted to see. Zayn.

He has his hair done up all nice as usual and his wore his 'dazzling' smirk. I rolled my eyes as he flirted and snogged practically every blonde he comes across. Thank god I'm not blonde.

I try to avoid him but it's kind of impossible when he is literally just across from your classroom. "Oh Carrie!" He muses and I groan, not bothered to hide the fact that I don't want to talk to him. It doesn't exactly make any difference, does it?

"Zayn, the bell is about to go. Let me get to class!" I whined. Nothing else has worked so far so I may as well be blunt.

"Is not!" He is contradicted as the bell goes and everyone quickly shuffles inside various classrooms. I give him a 'really' look and he rolls his eyes. "Do you really think I give a fuck?"

"No, but you should! High school won't last forever you know!" Honestly I don't really give a shit about his education. I don't give a shit about anything that has to do with him to be honest. But I do care about MY education and right now he is preventing me from getting to not only a regular class, but my favourite.

"I have it all under control, babe," I pretended to gag at the use of 'babe'. "I'm entering the XFactor later this year. I don't need education." He states like he knows everything, that stupid smirk on his stupid face.

"How do you know your gonna' win Mr I'm-So-Sure-Of-Myself"

"Obviously your blind." He states. I laugh. The self-centred bastard thinks he can get in ourely on his looks.

"So then, why exactly am I here?" As I look around I realised we have moved. I'm against the wall and he is towering over in front of me.

"Because of this." I go to ask what he means but his lips crash down on mine. What the fuck! Push him off!

My body doesn't seem to want to respond to that, even though he practically shoves his tongue down my throat. I won't lie, even though it was rough it was an amazing kiss. I felt little tingles but it wasn't the cheesy type of kiss. Like I said, It was rough. Like he was fighting for dominance, then again, he probably was. Eventually I find myself with my hands tugging on his hair and my back pushed right into the wall. His hand were on my hips and I was actually enjoying i- NO CARRIE STOP RIGHT NOW!

I push Zayn off me. He looked thoughtful and confused. We kind of stared at each other for a while and I actually was looking at his face for once. His skin was tanned, but not overly and his face shape was pretty hot. But the thing that captured me the most was his perfect eyes, they looked as if they had been glazed with caramel. But eventually I snapped out of it. I felt furious with him, but mostly myself. I stormed off, running my hands through my probably messy hair. I could feel what I think was Zayn's triumphant stare going right through me. Oh god Carrie what have you done?

I continued to walk furiously down the hallway until I found the girls bathroom. I entered a stall and locked it, before slipping down the wall, my head in my hands. I don't think I will be turning up for English today.


I decide to skip choir for obvious reasons. I couldn't see, him, after that. I can't believe he kissed me, and I kissed back. I should have pulled back immediatly. His ego is probably through the roof right now, I don't want to deal with it.

Once home, I flop on my bed. This mistake jepordises everything. Ugh how could I be so stupid? I considered calling Kate and throing all this at her but it is her 'time of the month' and she would be disappointed in me. I let her down to even though it was only a kiss. I'm a coward but I can live with that title for now.

My hands are now covering my face and I was in deep thought. This is exactly what he wanted and I let him have it, at least for the minor part.

I get out my writing stuff from under the loose floorboard and sit at my desk. I need to write my feelings away, but what can I write? Then the singing task Mrs Farrel had set us came into mind. Nobody ever said I couldn't write my own song did they?

I set my pen on the paper, thinking. It is only a snippet so I can't do much. I settled for a verse and chorus. Now what could be the title? I thought hard. It was when I thought about Zayn really wanted from me that I wrote down the title.

I do not hook up.



Thanks to all those readers that be reading my book now. :D

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