Chapter 8

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Carrie's P.O.V

It's been 3 days, on it's 4th, since that stupid party. Sunday I stayed home perfecting my song for choir and doing homework. The start of Monday was good, Zayn didn't annoy me, but god knows that didn't last.

My feelings towards him are beginning to become stronger, and this worried me. Don't get me wrong, I still hated his guts, but I am starting to form what I think is a tiny, microscopic crush. Okay, It's more then that. But it isn't like the normal schoolgirl crush, oh no. This was so much more complicated. The problem is since him and Kate have a... Past, I can't talk to her about it. I have to say I owe Mrs Farrel big time though, she cancelled choir for the last 2 days so we could work on our songs individually for our test.

That brings me to my next dilemma. This song is written about Zayn and I can assure you he will notice. I feel like this song, well at least the part I'm singing, is too personal. I tend to do that when I'm writing. But although it does make it clear that I don't hook up, it also gives away my minor feelings.

So right now here I sit, chewing my nails, waiting for my turn to sing. Right now Angelique, one of the girls, is singing some Taylor Swift song, then next is me, last as always. Why do I always have to be last? I hate being last.

Zayn sang something I can't remember the name to. But, as always, it fit right into his 'category'. Ugh. He was looking at me the whole time to, and it didn't help as he shot me a wink every once and a while.

"Ok Miss Garcia! Your up! Oh, and what are you singing?" She asked, looking up from her paper to smile.

I was shaking, but nobody thought anything of it because of my nerves. "Erm, I'm singing 'I do not hook up' which is a song that I wrote." I mumbled, replacing my nails with my lip. Out of the corner of my eye I saw the devil's head perk up a bit, knowing exactly who this song was for. Ughhhhhhh.

Once the teacher nodded, I placed some sheets of music in front of some of the band students who had been invited to join us. They to nodded and I walked back to my position. Taking a deep breath I opened my mouth and started singing.

"Oh sweetheart, put the bottle down," I started, remembering the party. I felt like slapping Zayn right then and there for putting me in this position.

"You got to much talent."

"I see you through those bloodshot eyes,"

"There's a cure, you found it." My eyes wandered from Mrs Farrel, to Zayn, to the floor. Damn this stupid task.

"Slow motion sparks, you caught that chill,"

"Now don't deny it." I could practically hear his stupid smirk.

"But boys will be boys oh yes they will,"

"They don't wanna' define it."


"If you're looking for thrills then get comfy!"

"But oh, no, I do not hook up, up. I go slow." I sang out, beginning the chorus. I know Zayn's 'look' would be faltering if I had the nerve to look up from the floor.

"So if you want me, I don't come cheap!"

"Keep your head in your hand,"

"Heart on your sleeve!"

"Oh, no, I do not hook up, up!" I continued. Wow, not bad.

"I fall deep."

"Cause' the more that you try,"

"The harder I'll fight,"

"To saaaay" I continued, "goodnight."

The music cut off. Some people started clapping like always, but that didn't change the fact I could feel my cheeks beginning to burn a bright crimson colour.

"Brilliant!" Mrs Farrel called out, congratulating me. She said a few last words before letting us leave.

Zayn walked by my side as usual. The first half of the trip was silent. I could feel him gazing into the side of my head as I faced straight. After a while he spoke, finally. I would never say it out loud but his voice was soothing, no matter how sarcastic or filthy the words that came out in it were. I sound like a love sick puppy, don't I?

"Carrie?" He says. That's a difference from his new nickname for me now, woman. I hate it to be honest.

"What?" I sigh, I don't want to hear what he has to say for the moment. Today has been long, not to mention confusing.

He hesitated for a moment, his face in thought, before that smug grin that I had become accustomed to slipped onto his face.

"You wrote a song about me, eh?" He sniggers. I roll my eyes.

"Obviously you don't use your ears very well." I muttered under my breath but he caught on.

"What do you mean?" He questioned.

"I know what you're thinking, I like you. Yeah well, I don't know. But the actual message was saying even if I wanted to, I couldn't be with you because I know what you would do to me. I am not prepared to get low again, even if every other girl has. I may be overly insecure, a loner, practically anything any girl wouldn't want to be, but that doesn't mean you can stomp all over me. It has nothing to do with feelings, if I even have any because you certainly don't, It has to do with self respect. Zayn, I have told you this so many times, but I will tell you again. I am not, at any time, going to... Do anything with you." I walk inside my house and slam the door, not leaving any time for him to make some smart ass comment, which I can guarantee he would have. Ugh, this boy.

I have to admit he's a good actor.



ugh so short sorry :/


I haven't been updating because my computer is stuffed up and I can't write much, sorry!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2014 ⏰

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